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Al's post "moving in"

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by paulk563, Sep 27, 2013.

  1. Geez.... get well soon!
  2. Interesting. If you were lying around in hospital getting bored, you could do experiments with the heart-rate monitor - like seeing what happens if you think about Ducatis you'd like to own, or sexy women, or alternatively seeing if you can slow it down by thinking about diving in tropical waters.
  3. Having no choice other that to rest up in bed can open up so many possibilities. I'm no doctor, but I do know how detrimental to health worry can be. A good time to explore meditation.

    Sam Harris ( may peace be upon him) shows a very simple meditation here

    #23 CRYSTALJOHN, Sep 27, 2013
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2013
  4. So shocked to hear this, get well soon AL.

    I have been there myself, stress at work was my biggest problem then,(company retired me early) but not any more as i just dont worry as life is for living with a smile on your face.

    Keep Smiling

  5. Get well soon AL. Hope the lad is back on his feet soon.
  6. not good, hope your ok and get well soon ; )
  7. Oh no!!!!!!

    Get well lovely Al and a big massive ducbird hug to you <<<<>>>>>
  8. Wishing you a swift recovery Al.
  9. Please wish AL all the best for a speedy recovery.

    I bet he's studying the heart monitor to see if he can hook it up to his bike's ECU!!
  10. sh*t ........hope all is okay
    and al is back on giving every one stick :wink:
  11. He'll nick that beep machine and build it into an alarm for his bike ;-)

    GWS silly old fool...got to be easier ways to check out chicks in short skirts ;-)
  12. Jeezus!! Wish him all the best please!... Hopefully corrected by balloon surgery... Keep us posted on how he is doing!
  13. Get well soon Al!
  14. Hopefully on the mend......All the best Al.
  15. Really sorry to hear this, Al's a top bloke, get well soon mate!
  16. Bu**er , thinking of you mate.
  17. Rest up, take care and get back soon - because we will stumped if anyone asks us a question on the Mikuni BDST 38 carburetor (sorry to remind you :biggrin:)

    Get well soon.

    Cheers Gaz
  18. Ouch!

    GWS :)
  19. Get well soon Al.All the very best to you.
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