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Al's post "moving in"

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by paulk563, Sep 27, 2013.

  1. :eek: All the best Al, GWS..............................................................................1st dibs on his bike :wink:
  2. Get well soon fella.
  3. What size boots do you take, by the way..?
    • Like Like x 1
  4. Get well soon indeed.
  5. Speedy recovery, Al.

    Hope you're back on the bike and de-stressing the heart fatigue away soon.

  6. An update on Al,

    I have just spoken to him at home, he was discharged this morning.

    Not so much alive and kicking, but alive and moving around slowly :upyeah:

    He is in good spirits and now rattles when he walks due to all the medication he now has to take!

    I have passed on all your good wishes, for which he thanks you all.

    Normal service will be resumed shortly once he can be helped to his computer:biggrin:
    • Like Like x 6
  7. Thanks for the update Paul, pass on our best wishes
  8. Will do, i am hoping he will be on here later today/tomorrow :upyeah:
  9. Discharged this morning and to buisy to come on the forum,
    !! No wonder you have ticker problems, be nice to hear from you Al.
  10. Heard this whilst on my way to Yorkshire and am so pleased that now I'm home, and finally checking the forum, I get to see you're home again! Get well soon Al. You have my number, call if there is anything we can do. Chris and Nicky.
  11. You would have thought that after the last three days I would have had enough of clots, but here I am on the forum with all the other ones.....

    Thanks for all the kind words........

    • Like Like x 7
  12. Welcome back Al:biggrin:
  13. Nice to see you back! Hope all is ok!
  14. Shouldn't you be at work?

    Welcome back!
  15. Welcome back Al - here's to a speedy, full recovery.
  16. At least four weeks of not driving / riding..........going barmy already (but not as barmy as being stuck inside the 'cuckoos nest' for the last three days)......

    ........and a heart attack isn't like what most people seem to think it is like......nor is whanging a stent into it via your groin.....:eek:

    If detail is required, just shout.

    Still, at least it wasnt anything to do with the chest wall sprain I had just earlier.........pure coincidence according to the specialists and caused by something they didn't expect.

    Trouble is, I am now on six additional tablets every day, some of which are for life.
  17. Have Pm d you.
    Bloody tappacrap and this old bird I did not see the post !!!
    Bloody hell .. Get well soon please!!!!!
    Glad your out .. It does your head in doesn't it :( :(
    I always get a mental case next to me who shouts all night !
    This is terrible :( 3rd person I know in 4 weeks :( in or near my locality I'm worried I am some jinxed angel if death.!
    Get well soon!
  18. Poor Al :( get better soon .. Think of what masterpieces you can create whist laid up.
  19. A heart attack and then admitted to Basildon hospital ? .......jesus,. ...you ARE having a bad week Al !:wink:

    Get well soon mate !:smile:
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