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Am I out of order?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by He11cat, Aug 27, 2013.

  1. No Mel, you are not out of order - it's plain rude to speak in a language that you know someone else can't understand - especially if it's been done on purpose.
    Strangely, I had a similar experience recently with two Welsh people who were speaking English outside the Chinese take-away I was waiting inside, but switched to Welsh as soon as they realised that someone else could hear their conversation. I once served on a ship with a guy who's primary language was Welsh (he had to learn English so he could join the Navy !) and he used to get VERY annoyed when anyone spoke Welsh when his English mates were around - and used to tell them so in perfect Welsh.
    Back at the OP - write to the management and complain. You never know, it might help...
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