Yep you are.... as am I, ive done something very similar whilst in the fecking garage!!! Live n learn and if the only thing hurt is your pride, you got off lightly!
Same going shopping. Got off, humped it onto the centrestand and my foot slipped, down she went. Luckily it was slow and I had enough grip to feather it down. That wasn't the embarrasing part though, the next bit when two old grannies, must have been 70's came over and helped me pick it up.
After 16 years of riding I dropped my bike for the first time this weekend. Side stand didn’t get a sure footing in a petrol station, I walked away to pay and 3 seconds later, crash! Summoned some adrenaline strength and picked up the bike within a second or two. The worst part was was riding 60 miles home in 3rd gear, thankfully the big twin only really needs 3rd gear. The good part is the wide bars and lack of fairing meant no significant damage to the SuperDuke. New bar end, clutch and gear lever. Job done...
Did you ever find out where the dude was from? I grew up in the Belmar area. Have a lot of family there. Years ago amost dumped a customers Silverwing in my garage when I tried to turn it around and turned too sharp. I stood there hanging onto it till my arms hurt, then managed to summon enough strength to heave it upright. Worked up a good sweat but I think it was more from the panic that had set in.
Nearly dropped my Streetfighter a while back after a long day riding. At home I have to taxi through a tightish gap between a flower bed and the car. Should have paddled through with my feet down but I rode through on the clutch and rear brake only not very well because I was tired, so when I got out the other side I was out of balance and starting to topple. I nearly gave up and just sat there and went over with it but at the last minute I woke up and got a foot out and held it. It was pure fatigue. Brain frazzled, reactions dulled. I try and take extra care with low speed manoeuvres when I'm tired. Very easy to come a cropper. Had a similar problem to @Jimmy899 recently at a petrol station. I was on my KTM 1190 which is a very tall bike. I've got the seat set to its highest position for extra legroom and I struggle to get both feet flat unless the ground is perfectly level. Pulled up at the pumps and refueled then put the bike on its sidestand and went to pay. When I got back out I threw a leg over the seat from the stand side and jumped on, but the ground was sloping away from me and when the suspension settled under my weight the side stand (which was still down) jabbed into the tarmac and threw the bike over onto its offside. Luckily I was wide awake this time and managed to dismount on the offside as it went over and I caught it. Only just held it though. It had gone past 45 degrees and it had a full tank of gas. If I was tired or there was diesel under foot I'd never have held it up and if there was luggage on the back I wouldn't have been able to get off in time and I'd have gone down with it and got stuck underneath. Embarrassing, painful and possibly expensive. Lesson learned: flick up the side stand before remounting and if the bike's laden, use the centre stand.
I did a similar thing with a 1 day old 916 a few years ago. £800 worth of damage! Glad I had a dark visor to hide the embarrassment as it was in Brands Hatch car park during a race meet.
I remember a guy high-siding his brand new 05 GSXR 1000 in Box Hill car park at the height of summer on a Sunday afternoon
Dropped my multi in the drive....not deploying the side stand, stuck underneath it till a neighbours son gave me a hand to lift it up! I felt such a tit