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An open question for all members

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Feedback' started by mattmccabebrown, Oct 3, 2013.

  1. I think it's great I used to be a member of the DSC but that site seems a bit quiet so I'm glad I found this site
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  2. Try new glasses ;-D
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  3. I like it just the way it is thank you :)
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  4. The "babes" look nothing like the website they are advertised on. When I opened the big crate from UPS, Jesus, was she ugly.
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  5. You do realise that the advertising banners use a very minor piece of spyware that scans your browser history and selects a suitable advert. So if you were to look at Radley Handbags enough times, you'll see an advert for Radley. I don't want to go to far in suggesting that you have been spending a little too much time on site that are not suitable for work :tongue:
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  6. i get the ipad thing too mate, sometimes the only way to fix it is to select Advanced reply as it opens a new window and seems to fix the issue.

    also the email replies you can fix in your settings I think, without looking what I did to fix it it'll probably be something that you automatically subscribe to threads (uncheck that) and then they'll be a setting that says to send you an email on subscribed threads(uncheck that)

    sort those out mate and you'll not get the emails
  7. I like his thinking! :upyeah:

    Crack on Matt :smile:
  8. Should someone tell Pete1950 that the Font problem is his alone, as his is different to everyone else's on the site for me, or should we just let him suffer? :wink:
  9. A technical section FAQ sticky. For those threads where people have done mods etc or home mech. A how to thingy kind of wotsit. Split into sections, frame, engine, brakes, wheels, supspension etc. The section would only get filled with things people put in other threads and moved over to it by a mod by popular consensus as being useful info.
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  10. It's a great site Matt... Lots of useful technical help... And lots of chat - some bike-related, some not - that help keep me sane when I'm 8000 miles from home. I reckon it's pretty good just the way it is...
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  11. Very little to do with me, it's made good by you lot :upyeah:
  12. The site is particularly well laid out and easy to use. By far the best forum I have seen and the only one I participate in.

    I like pretty much everything about it. It's easy to navigate and see what I find interesting.

    I think the Awards section is a complete waste of time - a bit like gold stars at primary school.

    It would be good if people were a little more forthcoming about themselves on their profile, and there aren't enough albums of photos - but you can't force people to do this (well, you could, but it's probably not a good idea).

    The font works fine for me. Pete's use of Times, or whatever it is, looks unaesthetic, but it's part of his trademark - easy to spot his posts - so am I bothered?

    One idea: maybe you could have a Racing Spoiler section where it is understood that all posts may include spoilers. Then people wouldn't have to remember to mark their thread "Spoiler" - they could just submit it to that section. And people who were worried about knowing results could ignore the section entirely until they have seen whatever it is that they recorded.
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  13. All wrinkly? Did you try putting air in?
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  14. wasnt air he put in it!!
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  15. +1 for this
  16. I think the forum strikes an excellent balance between bike and bike racing threads, tech threads and general fluff, the conversation is generally polite and well-natured, and it's well moderated. It even looks better than most forums. Pats on backs all round.

    There seems to be a few projects under way, so maybe a sub-forum in Technical for projects is worth considering. And a boobs sub-forum in the lounge...
  17. I should also like to see any mention of Mumford and Sons be treated as a ban and for the poster to be subject to ridicule and finger pointing. I think a sin bin thread should be created where the offenders can only post in there for 30yrs. After that they may be allowed to post in the Panigale section for 12mnths as a way of some mild additional punishment/probation prior to rehabilitation into the wider 916 owners community.
  18. I'd like a member search facility and more smileys. And chocolate. Lots of chocolate. And cake. And sherbert lemons.
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  19. i'm really questioning the sanity of some of the posters on here, no-one has even so much as mentioned free milk
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