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An open question for all members

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Feedback' started by mattmccabebrown, Oct 3, 2013.

  1. Suspension must be awesome!
  2. I couldn't agree more.
  3. Oh and please ditch the snow this Christmas

    more than one person had to call their optometrist
  4. little links to bike related online games, just to help pass the time.if there is such a thing.
  5. Blimey don't you have enough to do on this forum :-O
  6. Don't go there.
  7. i was thinking maybe a parts review / rating section and bike of the month with each sub category taking a month as its handy there being 11 of them then pit all 12 against each other for the last month and bike of the year.
  8. One of those calenders with forum regulars (the ugliest ones) posing naked with bits of Duke obscuring the meat and veg. Or the boobies

    I, of course, am too pretty for such things.
    #68 bootsam, Oct 8, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 8, 2013
  9. i agree with who ever said an annual whole forum meet would be good. its a nice way to put faces to bikes
  10. An annual swingers party, we'd get to each other very well then...
  11. An annual meat, if you will.
  12. Keys in a bowl :tongue:
  13. get a wee league going.
  14. I can wee higher than you mate.
  15. I'm a new member and am finding it an utter must read on my to-do list when I get home every night and finish my chores (i.e. watching Jon Snow, ironing my shirt for the morning and getting my dindins). I've been away from Ducatis for just over two years and was sad to discover that the old site (you all know the one I'm referring to!) doesn't exist any more. That said, I find the slightly irreverent tone of some of the posters on here absolutely hillarious and i just love being able to bloody well swear without the fear of getting my thighs slapped!

    I subscribe to the American Triumph rat.net/speed triple forum (as Trevor, my Speedy, is the reason I let go of my last 998 :redface:) but this site seams to have more character - and it is important to me that it is a UK site...

    I'd like to see a regional get-together - but maybe that already exists and I just haven't found where to find it yet? Perhaps the calendar could do with more use?...
    • Like Like x 1
  16. no you cant.

  17. You can go add free by donating, well worth it & it goes to the running of the site



    Re awards, I agree....maybe have like a status bar with blocks under your name like they use in v-bulletin forums. The longer you're a member, your status / blocks go up kinda thing.

    I used to mod on a faily busy site and ppl used to same the same thing about spoilers. For my tuppence worth, if you dont wanna know, dont go to the section, its very hard to police to be honest :upyeah:

    Yup, search and moresmileys please to convey your humour like on v-bulletin.


    loads them...yup :biggrin:

    Also Matt, would you move to a v-bulletin format, keep the red/bage format...Just an idea. Save space & bandwidth Id be looking at, also, see what sections are least used and ditch them, kinda squeeze into "general section"(?).

    Great site :wink:
    • Like Like x 1
  18. would be good to have a spotted on / I'm selling on eBay. i know this happens in other parts of the forums but it could also include a "don't touch with a barge pole" thread for all the scams out there.
  19. how about a poll on the most stupidest comment of the year
    could be good
    • Like Like x 1
  20. I would like one where I could get it on their chests...............
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