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An open question for all members

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Feedback' started by mattmccabebrown, Oct 3, 2013.

  1. Oh yes I can.
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  2. Christ! The choice would take forever. It would be like judging Miss World out of the entire population of Croatia or California.
  3. american chicas dont hold a candle to the europeans...( in my humble opinion ) :biggrin:
  4. Very very pleased with this site and the way it's run. Only one possible issue (it might be my fault) when posting on threads I get replies sent to my email but when I log on to the forum my most recent post isn't there! Has happened 3 times on the different threads such as 'Multistrada, Gadgets' and one other page. My post thread is even listed on the home forum page under the specific title (ie Multistrada) as the last post but when i go to that post mine isn't there!! It seems there is quite a delay from when i post something to it actually being shown. Still very happy with it all and it's been a great help with warranty issues for my Mutly. Thanks a lot. :upyeah:
  5. You've fallen into a moderation black hole.

    Do you have form?
  6. No idea on that front 'gliddofglood'. I don't go on this site to annoy people or cause offence so it's got to be something else! (i hope).
    P.S. i'm sure i've never had a post pulled!
  7. I was just messing you around.

    I have no idea what it'd down to so I think I'll blame Windows. Why not?
  8. That is a little odd. If you've had a post pulled, I'd have emailed you, so it can't be that. To be honest thou, its thankfully a very rare thing for me to pull a post :smile:
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  9. would that be you pulling a blonde or brunette post - or you pulling Stallones Ma?
  10. As mentioned on previous all great, and a yearly meet would be great, however if this happens in the warmer months of the year please.
  11. may i suggest the clachaig inn glen coe, great bar, camping, rooms and just up the road from me.
  12. No you may not :tongue:
  13. Infract the mofo Matt...
  14. :tongue: ahh the abuse of power. Ties in with the 'America Closed' thread :wink:
  15. Honestly Matt, I'm a mod on another forum and I wield the infraction stick on a daily basis. What's the point of having power if you don't abuse it..?:wink:
  16. What's that they say about power and corruption :tongue::tongue:
  17. Like two peas in a pod..?
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  18. I infracted someone for saying hello this morning. Just to show 'em:mad:
  19. that will be a no then.
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  20. A smiley having a dump , would be useful
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