So my public money has to finance a build of a power station……and its then run by a private company to cream a rape load of profit off of me?
Ratcliffe and Ineos are energy CONSUMERS not they are not a rival energy company. His beef is about the cost of energy in the UK
Absolutely correct Pete........I understand it about as much as the Government and their advisors do about anything they invoke without ever having thought it through (FFS why the hell are they even discussing UK energy at this stage --- Oh sorry, they have had 20 years or more to sort out something new and they sold off North Sea Gas --- Oh well, blame the advisors I guess --- but aren't you an advisor on some policies?? Farkin' Hell).........Sorry my old hairy mate, but the Government are going to be in for one helluva shock in the future..........
But not as much of a shock as us. I'm moving, and it will be rural, and I will have a gennie which burns cow shit, and I will let the missus to grow veg in the garden. Best be prepares..
Good for you mate..............Funny that...........Just been watching The Good Life series...........Have you bought a cow yet, Tom?
I think the free market is failing when it comes to electricity supply, there is too little competition, the investment required is imense and the uncertainties are just too big for private business to contemplate, hence the need for guarantees. Elecricity supply is one of those few areas of strategic importance in which government needs to take a direct interest.
Erm, couldn't we just build four or five new nuclear power stations ourselves instead of the waste of money that is HS2. Then, buy back the M6 toll road and make use of that. OR is this to simplistic?
Right time to build me own power station I guess. Buy Uranium, easy, buy some tools done, buy some alloy and other metal sheets easy .... Now to the internet to find how to use that Uranium ..... maybe I can also deliver the entire contraption to other major cities like New York ..... Bet that will get NSA spying sppooks something to do now
No. They are not energy 'consumers'. They buy and sell energy. They therefore are indeed 'rivals' to all the other companies which compete in the businesses of buying, selling, producing, and consuming energy.
Well, well. Wonders never cease. So I have to wonder what other few areas of strategic importance you now think should be nationalised. Gas? Water? Railways? Banks? Airports? Shipbuilding?
Good point. If the UK had started a new nuclear power station the size of the new Hinckley Point C every five years since 1990, they would now be supplying over a third of UK electricity needs (and with no carbon emissions). Sadly this was not done - and I blame the Greens mainly. Still, it could be done over the next 30 years. Whichever way you slice it, the investment can be justified only if the price of the electricity produced in future decades is enough to produce a return.
If the previous Governments, regardless of colour, had decent advisors who had thought things through years ago; by now the coal power stations could have been replaced by wave / tidal generators; probably without the need for any nuclear ones........and of course, as 'they' insist the sea levels are rising, it makes even more sense..... .........but sense is a commodity that Governments and their advisors have very little of....
Or could be justified if its do it or have nothing. Which if you believe the naysayers thats what will happen More reasons why Brown and blair should be prosecuted and hung out to dry because of the damage they did to this countrytogether
Thought we already had for a long time a DC interconnector Now we have the tail wagging the dog, Cam-ron pleading with private companies pleez play nice. If we are to follow the French model should we not renationalize? A long time ago Parliamentary Acts could cap profits on utilities.......but then again they also jailed bankers.........I'm so glad we've progressed. Sorry probably off topic and juvenile John