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And here's another example....

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Ghost Rider, Dec 16, 2013.

  1. Don't knock 'juvinile'. I'd have nothing to say otherwise.
  2. I'm thinking Hydrogen Fuel Cell generator and sod the national grid
  3. Just a question Pete do you think that we are better served with all these privatizations? No patronization, I just see the first 3 as given as they are not suitable for free markets............I'm not as well educated so it would be interesting understand what I'm missing.

    Is what I'm asking so laughable to be beyond contempt?

  4. yeah but you need 'electricity' to get the hydrogen from water to then burn to get water again...can we not just pitch a lump of the sun? its huge. no one would notice. steal it. thats the trouble when geeks do the thinking, they're too honest.
  5. gas water and railways would lead to to much power to the people. forgive the pun

  6. Don't move to Bedford - it's a holding pen for the Jeremy Kyle Show
  7. By no means. There are rational arguments to be made for both privatisations and nationalisations, depending on the times and the circumstances. Political parties tend to settle on favouring one or the other, then stick to their preferred doctrine regardless. Neither approach is a substitute for taking the right decisions.

    My own view, for what it's worth, is that I favour a mixed economy. Some industries are better suited to private enterprise (e.g. food, clothing), some utilities and natural monopolies ought always to be democratically controlled (e.g. electricity, gas, water), some work best with a mixture of public and private provision (e.g. housing), and sometimes a government takeover is the only alternative to a catastrophic collapse (e.g. RBS bank).
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  8. Successive governments have failed to take the difficult decisions regarding energy policy and been influenced by the 'green' loby too much.
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  9. Elections every 4(ish) yrs sometimes infects parties with short-termism views. Unfortunately we seem to be in the mist of a political state of stagnation coupled with even less imagination than politicians are usually attributed with. Which to be fair, lurches from left to right most of the time. Seemingly ignoring the trough of stabilisation, that within lies common sense and a bit of fucking nous. Thats all it takes. We don't want peoples plans. Just fix things for fucks sake. And be quick about it. Eastenders is on in 5 mins. tsk
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  10. Many thanks Pete, it appears we are in close agreement. Not sure that says about you or me :eek:

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