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And I'm Off.. I Really Am This Time

Discussion in 'Touring' started by chizel, May 3, 2019.

  1. Ha, they genuinely exist! I had to take a photo of mine to prove it. They’re reet useful:D
    • Like Like x 3
  2. Reef Fanning's
  3. Duran Duran have let themselves go!
  4. So I've made it even less further today... as in I've not moved the bike... last night I spied a laundry shop... it's not a do it ya self one but my whole kit washed and dried for €15 And pick up this evening...
    I was a lil embarrassed when I emptied my clothes out (nearly said sack there!) On the counter... they are minging... I washed some socks last night but they wernt dry so that sealed the deal..
    I've found some cheap shorts and am gunna chill today, ride to nice tomorrow and hopefully catch up with @The Royal Maharaja for a lil ride out Thurs..
    This works well I think as he is off on Thurs and if I press on today id only be spending 2 nights somewhere else and Riding in dirty clobber...
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  5. Aint made it for a swim yet...
    Got in as far as my junk and decided no fucken way...
    Thinking about it, this is probably why I've not seen anyone else swimming..
    • Funny Funny x 3
  6. I thought there for a moment that you were dossing down in the launderette,............cheap skate;)
    • Funny Funny x 2
  7. The room is cheap enough.. €45 with bike parking and 100 feet from the sand...
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  8. Deal of the day that one:upyeah:
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  9. The added bonus of not riding today meant I slammed the breakfast buffet!!!!
    Don't normally eat much in the morn as I hate riding stuffed . Especially in this heat...
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  10. We used to take out a doggy bag of extras,when no one looking:blush:
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  11. I hate filling up in the morning, I spend the next 3 hours riding feeling the turtle poking his head out
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. Have you forgotten the three S's in the morning before you kickstart the day off;)
  13. It happens , it's just the extra food is risky. I'm still imagining Chiz's minging clothes minging so bad they walked themselves to the launderette, like something out of fantasia
    • Funny Funny x 3
  14. The poor girl... and she dropped a sock... I picked it up and handed it to her... even I didn't want to touch it!!!
    • Funny Funny x 4
  15. So I thought I'd be a lil productive this morn so I googled a tyre shop...
    Found 1 a mile away and have some Bridgestone t30 evo's being fitted hopefully early tomorrow...
    Good bunch of guys, between the 4 of us we managed to work out what I wanted!!!
    They hopefully get delivered tonight or first thing tomorrow as I need to get cracking ..
    Meanwhiles in at the beach starting to read the count of Monte cristo.
    Seen the movie years ago.. in fact my flat mate was in it..
    But I don't really remember the story..
    Might grab a push bike from the hotel in a few hours...
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  16. I thought you were opting for the reserved beach boy look:p
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  17. Today has been good!!!
    Good breakfast, couple of miles walking, a gelato, read my book at the beach for 2 hours whilst having 2 pints and lunch.
    another lil walk and another gelato, now I have just woken from a 2 hour siesta!!!
    I really don't know where I find the time...
    Gunna jump on a push bike in a min and have a look a bit further...
    Might get a pre dinner gelato...
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  18. Sounds great to me! I love this thread of your journey! I’ve laughed quite a bit with you lot and the posts. It’s great! Keep it coming !:cool::yum:heart: Be safe Chiz :kissing_heart:
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  19. ......and 67 pages & still going strong:motorcycleduc::upyeah:
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  20. Just borrowed a bike from the hotel and did a few miles...
    The dude gave me a girls bike..
    I told him I wanted a mans bike and he say no no isa mans bike...
    I kept pointing at the men's bikes and he kept gesturing that I was too short.. cheeky fuck
    • Funny Funny x 12
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 2
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