Fraid not, I've run the reg through the DVLA, and an HPI check which have all come back clean. So the frame number is 000124, which makes it earlier than Lumbux's
So we have 106, 118, 124, and the my youngest at 448, we'll have to get them together one day, at the SS next year? rcv4 doesn't your mate have one too??
My eldest sons 106 took more looking after than any Ducati that I know of. Spent a fortune on trying to make it water tight
Yep, I had a 308 which was bloody rubbish. Rattled like a washing machine when it started up. Fine according to Peugeot. Gave up trying to get it fixed and traded it for a skoda. Probably good practise for a 20 year old ducati.... Mick..
We put had 100K miles on the original clutch, changed it and it was no different. Sounds like a standard "feature" if you ask me.
My mates is a late one...i think in the 800's...this build takes me back a year,stick at it its suprising how quickly it will progress,it will be worth it in the end.