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And you wonder why this country is in a mess

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Freak, Jan 5, 2013.

  1. Yes. Would you grass your mates up..?
  2. The German's seem to have sussed it

    Germany's youth employment is the highest in Europe, with only a 7.8 percent jobless .

    At the heart of that success is a learn-on-the-job apprenticeship system that has its roots in the Middle Ages but is thriving today in Germany's modern, export-oriented economy.

    Spain and Greece 1/2 the under 25's are unemployed
  3. We can and should do something about it. The system should be a safety net, not a lifestyle choice.

    So are you part of the problem or part of the solution, it sounds like you are a bit confused on that.
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  4. Good point, the Germans value engineering and manutacturing over financial services. They are also the beneficiaries of an EU monetary policy that is actively hurting Spain and Greece. The EU is delivering to the Germans what WW2 failed to do.
  5. If there is doubt of the validity of someone claiming benifits then they should be tagged and asked to report in on there activities.
  6. Fortunately I don't have to make that call. But if I knew someone was systematically taking the piss, as opposed to a bit of fiddling at the margins, then

    a. they wouldn't be a mate

    b. yes, I probably would
  7. Plus one...

    I'd not protect someone stealing from society, but if they couldn't be made to see what they were doing wrong they wouldn't remain a mate.
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  8. I'm a single parent who keeps tax credits informed of my circumstances
    I work hard and have a mortgage and two children to look after.
    I am now paying back an overpayment all because I had my ex move in which lasted 4 months that tax credits over payed
    Seems I'm an easy target and an honest one at that!
    It does make me wonder why I bother
  9. From your response Viv your validity is not in question. Please forgive me if I have spoken out of turn it was far from my intention.
  10. Ooops I didn't mean to quote you
  11. Ffs Viv you had me on a proper guilt trip :)
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  12. Ooooo I'm sorry
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  13. Pmsl :)
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  14. Bullshit "non jobs" abound in this world and many of them are not "public sector" - the wider picture is the problem, there are too many people in the UK who don't actually "produce" anything. Look at the general cross section of "employment" on any forum and do the sums. Consultants, financial advisers, lifestyle mentors, PA's, advisers, "trainers" and the like - you can't export these and therefore no cash/income is generated for the country at large.
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  15. Same as you Viv .However tax credits are a mare....I did not know for years I could even get it.They mess it up all the time!!!!They miscalculated mine once and ( the first year) and I ended up with a huge bill .. Apparently my ex had to pay back some overpayment .Because I'd made the first payment even though we had split up and lived at different addresses I would be responsible for paying off his debt if he defaulted!!!!I was fuming...Funny enough tax credits always somehow mess it up so you owe them money every year :(As for childcare :( I work and sorting childcare oh joy ..
  16. Oh my friends son died and they where ghastly to her ,
    She was a wreck and they treated her like dirt :(
    You really do not need some insensitive arse at the end of the line when your sons just died .
  17. Credit to you Viv, I can absolutely understand why you wonder why you bother.

    Simplfy the tax structure and take the low paid out of paying tax altogether. Taking with one hand and giving with the other is madness.

    The whole system of tax credits was designed by Gordon Brown to make more people beholden to the state for their livelihoods and as a result vote Labour. That it was a dogs breakfast didn't matter in the slightest. Elites looking after elites.
    #57 johnv, Jan 6, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2013
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  18. Yes, non jobs exist in the private sector but the risk is on the shareholder and Darwinian forces will select the companies that are more efficient, productive and profitable.

    In the public sector the taxpayer takes all the risk and there are no Darwinian forces. Empires are built that serve little or no purpose. Failure is all to often rewarded rather than punished.
  19. I makes me wonder why I bother when it seems that people on benefits have it easy
    Yet I get penalised for being honest
    Not all single mums are benefit receivers and lazy.
    I think the government keeps these people in a place where they won't be trouble. Can you imagine what would happen if they took benefits away I think we would see more riots
  20. Viv, again you make a good point. In a world where we are getting ever more efficient at producing 'stuff', which means we need fewer people to do it and often those people are overseas, what do the great unwashed have to look forward to and keep themselves occupied.
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