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And you wonder why this country is in a mess

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Freak, Jan 5, 2013.

  1. Had a glance back over the thread,it appears most contributors agree that it's wrong to keep the benefits system as it is now.
    The question is,what do we/can we do/are prepared to do to change it? Anything? Nothing?
    Or do we just seethe quietly and carry on grafting,while the lunatics take over the Asylum and we all go to Hell in a Handcart?.
  2. Look how long it's taken them to realise high earners don't need child benefit

    The whole system is a mess but god knows how to sort

    Thought that's what the Government was for lol
  3. [QUOT

    The whole system is a mess but god knows how to sort

    Thought that's what the Government was for lol[/QUOTE]

    helps those who help themselves (tongue in cheek)
  4. both mr shadow, theres loads that can work but wont and thats a fact and theres people who genuinely need the welfare state, thats what it there for, not for the wont work crowd, you can see why they do it, why go to work for less money than you get from the state, whats the incentive, nowt

    i do try not to judge without knowing the facts, and try not to judge anyway, luckily im very fortunate in my life and grateful for my lot, but thanks for pointing it out,
  5. Really?

    Seems to me that there's a lot of people ready to turn their outrage levels up to 11 on fairly flimsy evidence, one fake wind up phone call to a right wing talk show and that condemns an entire stratum of society as workshy scroungers. We have posters openly admitting to their own hypocrisy on the matter, posters suggesting a return to Dickensian workhouses, the dismantling of the benefits system and the institution of feudal labour practices.

    I would suggest that there's actually not much wrong with this country, it will feed you when you are hungry, house you if you are homeless, treat you when you are ill and educate your children all free of charge at the point of use. Some will work the system to their own benefit but the vast majority of citizens and visitors are honest hard working decent people and bringing in ludicrously harsh systems to clamp down on the tiny proportion of wrong-doers will only harm the innocent, the indolent, work shy and dishonest will find other ways of defrauding the system while those in greatest need will suffer disproportionately.

    Where I think we do have a problem, is in allowing so called news media to fabricate and obfuscate stories to suit their own agenda, almost without exception whenever the full facts are disclosed the story that led to the launch of the Good Ship Outrage turns out to be entirely wrong, a few recent examples being the Gay Bolivian Cat Owner facing deportation, Sergeant Danny Nightingale, the regular recycling of stories about banning Conkers, Christmas, Crosses etc and George Osborn on the train. That's what's wrong round here, too many people jumping on the bandwagon without the facts, too many journalists prepared to lie to sell their story and a constant search for "evidence" no matter how tenuous to support a particular agenda.
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  6. Popcorn anyone? :biggrin:
  7. ...Otherwise known as a constructive conversation.
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  8. It's not a conversation when no one puts forward a contrary view and it's not constructive when we don't have the facts and the discussion is based on supposition, half truths, prejudice and misinformation.
    What it is in these circumstances is the equivalent of the Four Yorkshiremen sketch but substituting Current Outrage for Childhood Deprivation.

    Apart from that I'm with you all the way.
  9. Yes it is. Shush now.
  10. Oh no it isn't.

    He's behind you

  11. Think your missing the point of the interview. He turned a chance of a job down because of the start time. He thought its was to early and unfair to be asked to go to work at that time. The radio presenter got annoyed at his attitude and annoyed personally about what he was he was saying. I don't think people are turning up their outrage levels I think people are thinking what a f. Joke this guy is and when he says you are making light of this I'm going to hang up. There is taking the piss and then there is TAKING THE PISS!!!!!!!!. Yes I agree with, the country will feed you and home you when you need it. But when some are just here to take advantage it takes the piss off those who try and be fair. The ones who are working the system you time is soon coming to and end........
  12. Anyway today to change the subject I rode my bike to work and left the car at home, had fun, and on the way home went the long way just to enjoy the ride, bike and myself. Tomorrow I will take the bike and if it rains who cares...:upyeah:
  13. LBC consists almost exclusively of phone in programmes based on the news of the day and are always desparate to generate attention and calls, a call like the one supposedly from Paul of Clerkenwell will stoke up the listeners sufficiently to generate a good couple of days worth of programming so there seems to be a deliberate ploy to provoke extreme reactions. Conversely the types that can spend all day listening to phone ins and actually respond to them are just the type to make up a set of circumstances to generate some notoriety, expose something they believe to be true, to appear on the radio or possibly just to wind Julia Hartley-Brewer up.
    I don't actually believe "Paul from Ckerkenwell" is telling the truth in the soundbite in the link. I suspect it may be a wind up, in which case he has scored a spectacular success.
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  14. I had a meeting this afternoon and went on the bike as well, it was a little damp but absolutely worth it :biggrin:
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  15. Yes, obviously. "Lightning_650" also seems to be some sort of wind-up comedy fascist, so ha-ha well done.
  16. And I would suggest that there are quite a few things wrong with this country.They don't necessarily affect me personally,but I'm prepared to spend some time thinking about them,and how they might be improved.For instance,I don't have kids:that doesn't stop me wanting all kids to have a great education delivered by fantastic teachers,and a nice environment when they get home....
    The debate is whether people like the guy interviewed has a right to turn down work and stay on benefits,just because he doesn't want to get up in the morning.But he still enjoys the trappings of modern society paid for by those who do get up in the morning,whether they like it or not.(I've got no prob even if he was an Actor tbh,look at how the media like to think the working class live by watching Dreadfuldale/Beastenders/Awfulnation Street:middle class actors earning a fortune by pretending to be gormless unsmiling twats with a constant hard-on for their mates wives...no one ever gets a new Ducati on TV do they?
    The media and Politicians have an unwritten pact to cow the masses,by either bribing them with undeserved benefits,terrifying them with Aids/Global warming/BSE-induced Armageddon,or using TV to hypnotise them into living a dull,worried,debt-laden existence,brightened only by the latest i-gadget tat made by similarly cowed workers in other countries....
    Get me a step ladder,I need to get off this galloping High Horse....:biggrin:
  17. Do you know thats the first time anyone ever described me as anything than a raving-leftie...I'm deeply grateful....:upyeah:
  18. I wouldnt like to face the aftermath of a serious off in this country today, There is no safety net for the likes of myself as i work on a day rate and have done for years.. so no work no pay and i am sure a lot of salaried staff wont get much help these days.
    Also my work is constantly under threat from cheap foreign labour so i may be among the great unwashed soon:upyeah:
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  19. I'm having a glass of wine
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