Do you get it when logged in too? I only have the issue if logged out. Subscription finishes soon, maybe that will be the catalyst to issues when logged in?!
New twist. First time, flicked me to a site saying ‘beware, deceptive site’ which seemed to be hosted by Samsung (?!) then when I got back to the previous website and clicked on forum again, it thru the ‘congratulations!” Site
I get it every time I open the forum. Literally every time. And the only way I can currently bypass it is to run in via vpn
Yep had that today, took me a while to figure out it originated from here as it was also happening on various news sites.
it only started tonight. happens as soon as i visit this site. it won't let me go back. i can only close the browser but it back within seconds as soon as i open it again
It's definitely something happening. Do you think it's Russian hackers bored of the brexit talk? I mean Comonski comrades