I'm getting a feeling of Dave jar view , what with so many Dave's hereabouts . What a difference a dave makes. Regards Evad.
Where have you been Troy? It's not "do we have the fuzz on here". It's "how many of the fuzz do we have on here?". I'm not over-bothered what anyone does for a living, just so long as it's not being taken down and possibly used in evidence. But it probably is.
When i lost the front of my 748 on a damp diesel-covered road a few years back, i was initially left lying in the middle of a dual carriageway of a busy town centre. the queue of traffic did exactly the same to me and just drove round leaving me and the bike in the middle of the road. Had i not managed to get up and stagger over to the footpath, i'm sure eventually one of the feckers would have run me over instead of driving round me and leaving me there.
NO we can rebuild society ............... Brothers I call on YOU to make a stand . Honour , integrity , selflessness . Make a stand ---- aahhh Fuck It. Carry on as you were. :biggrin:
The latest fad that beggars belief is that the pond life who want to live on benefits get their necks tattooed so even if they go for an interview they'll never get the job, rendering themselves unemployable, and therefore handouts for life!
Nah…………like the attempt to defend a completely lost cause in the face of irreputable fact, even with a gobshoit wife,……..it will go on…...