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Anti Vehicle Noise Cameras

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by outintheopen, Jun 8, 2019.

  1. I like a nice sounding exhaust. Ideally not too loud in built up areas, but out on the open road, I enjoy the way a Ducati should sound. None of my bikes are offensive.

    Same in the car; I can press a button when in town, but hit the button on the open road and hear that V8 roar. I was contemplating upgrading the exhaust on the car, but followed one the other day, and it sounded bloody ridiculous, popping and farting away, so won’t be bothering.
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  2. When I was ‘much’ younger a friend put a ‘big bore’ exhaust on his 1 litre Peugeot 205.

    Now even at the time I was aware enough to know that my friend was making himself look - and of course sound like a prat.

    But he ignored my advice and went ahead and fitted the exhaust.

    We went on a journey to collect the interior from a 205 GTi to go with the bodykit he had on the car.

    At the end of the journey I had gone slightly deaf in the right ear and he had gone in the left! The constant drone was torture!

    He swapped the exhaust back the next day!
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  3. See, i rest my case.
    • Funny Funny x 3
  4. I have an M1200S with the full Termi system, so it's quite loud in a bass boosted but not harsh way. I never speed in towns or villages, I'm happy to just burble along through them. I'm one of the few people I know, possibly only person, who actually does 20 in a 20. On the open road I'm more relaxed about these things.
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    • Agree Agree x 2
  5. It’s the Vloggers fault, they make a living out of videoing said supercar clowns as they drive by and being naturally vain they play up to the camera. Seeing as many of them are foreign nationals usually of the Arab variety, they bring their cars over here during their summer to escape the heat, running on foreign plates, often not insured, they are probably difficult to trace the owners so I’m sure they don’t really care about a noise camera?
  6. Switch maps over as they approach mummy and daddy's house.
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  7. It’s always fun until someone starts doing it outside your own house.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. If only they could do something about the inconsiderate twats that’s start drilling in my estate at 0800 on a Sunday morning; or the way that they wait until complete silence to start their lawn mowers !!
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  9. Yep, your rapier wit and sophisticated repartee really showed everyone.

    You’re obviously a man of both wealth and taste and we all want to be as fun and cool as you. ;)

    • Funny Funny x 6
  10. Don't rest your case -or anything else- until you've found some of the things far more fun than a loud exhaust pipe. There's lots them out there!
  11. These have gone up in Keighley, West Yorkshire


    Not surprising as most police patrol like this these days


    They now have to rely on police dogs to give evidence as these days no one believes what they say

    • Funny Funny x 5
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  12. I shall be parking my van at a suitable location in Hanham, PA turned up to 11 with F1 engine recording primed and ready waiting for Tesla's.
    • Funny Funny x 7
  13. There’s a double standard in this. I live in a village near the newish road bridge over the River Forth, called Queens Crossing. The planners messed up when they built the motorway spur that feeds the bridge from the south because the road through my village cuts the corner of the motorway spur and is 4 miles shorter. This means everyone’s satnav directs them off the motorway, through my village, then back on the motorway just before the bridge. The same deal for traffic from the bridge. The village now gets 2000 lorries a day through it. These are West Lothian Councils figures. Lorries are more intrusive than cars or bikes (though not always as loud as a tiny minority of cars and bikes), and it’s pretty well constant. The council’s attitude is that the traffic are not breaking any law so eat it.
    I get that the occasional dickhead in his overly loud car or screaming eagle HD is irritating, like a fly buzzing around the kitchen is irritating. 2000 lorries a day erodes your quality of life.
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  14. They did a bit of a purge this summer at a local ride out venue called Willingham woods (near cadwell park), they were on the case for illegal plates, tinted visors and noisy exhausts. People have been going there for years, but a few turn up, rev the nuts of the bikes with stupid exhausts and have ruined it for everyone else.

    The copper we spoke to there said they have to make the call at the moment at their discretion, but there are mobile noise camera's being tested and coming soon, so the fixed ones wont be the only problem. He said he has to be lenient on Ducati's and R1's as long as they have standard exhausts, but anything else is getting it in the neck

    Personally agree on the lorries though, few road closures our way meant 100's of lorries pounding through and was 10timesd worse than a few excessive bikes or local boy racers
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  15. It's yet another push to get everyone into electric cars, and onto electric bikes.
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  16. I think it’s more of a push to raise significant free revenue for councils from anyone that flouts the law and / or causes nuisance to others.
    News item today
    A London council is to become the first local authority in the country to issue fines to drivers who breach 20mph limits. Wandsworth - no points (yet) just a fine.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  17. There used to be a car in my town that had the map that made it bang all the time off the throttle, which got on my bloody nerves , i found out a few months later it was my mates son ,but after seeing his fuel consumption drop to 20 to the gallon and blowing up three exhaust systems ,he took the map off :)
    • Funny Funny x 2
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  18. Meanwhile thousands of bikers & cyclists have been killed by car drivers on their phones, Shit road conditions, & Godawful driving standards.
    But the authorities make more money out of noise meters don’t they?
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    • WTF WTF x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. All accidents that result in injury or worse are clearly unacceptable and personally I would support 10 points for all drivers found using their phones in breach of the law in addition to massive fines.

    All that said it also important to be aware of the actual figures. In 2020, 17 people were killed and 499 injured in road traffic collisions in Great Britain where the driver was using a mobile phone. It is a fact that some people will always break the law, including this one. Its perhaps relevant to know the number of fatalities involving drink driving which were 240 and a further 6,240 injured during the same period.

    Also interestingly, women were found to be 25% less likely to be using their hand held mobile whilst driving than men...
    #80 Jez900ie, Oct 22, 2022
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2022
    • Agree Agree x 1
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