Ron, I would just reply along the lines of Noted and thank you for the clarification, please rest assured that nothing which may be deemed confidential to your business or employees of your business will be divulged by me to my current employer. and leave it at that. Otherwise you run a risk of going down a rabbit hole with correspondence back & forth and wasting yours & their time. They just needed to fire a shot across your bows and cover their arses that’s all, and they’ve done that. Nowt to worry about, just enjoy your new job and the heavily reduced commute That’s my advice but I’m sure others will advise otherwise.
Is it no wonder you’ve been banished to some goat forsaken outpost of the British Empire I’m guessing you royally pissed someone off in the past
Hmmmm........ I think we'll not go there and drop the subject now shall we, suffice to say I was a very naughty boy
Unenforceable. Harassment and restriction on trade/employment. Acknowledge receipt by e mail or registered letter. Simple form of words. I understand your concerns, however you should now discontinue correspondence in this matter and allow me to get on with my career in my usual professional manner. I will not continue any correspondence No legalise, simple and to the point. Restrictions on trade and employment have not been upheld in court for years. They would not have employed you if you were unprofessional / could not be trusted, boxed off. If they should continue they would have a very seriously hard time in court. No solicitor would take this on other than to write a letter at your cost Been there.
Agree and yes they did put it in the first email but nothing wrong with total clarity so that both parties know exactly where they stand