Then your in the right town Butch, you know they were originally from Barnsley, were originally Son of a Bitch till their management/record company changed the name and said they were from Sheffield ! You can still catch Biff out in town now and then probably still in his skin tight white keks & snakeskin boots. After the first UK tour they wanted to go huge on their backline for the next ( it was a bit of a battle between the NWOBHM then to have the loudest stage setup) in 1980 I built them approx 36 4x12's with a stencilled silver wheels of steel eagle on the fretcloth these were used chequerboard fashion with their existing Marshalls. This is the only photo I can find of them. You can just about make out the size of this wall of sound and yes they were all workers. I had 3 JMP 100's to test them off in 6 or 8s in our unit and that didn't just flap your flares it rattled your balls . Fifteen years later and the roles were somewhat reversed when I got all my bedroom furniture from Dobby Dawson the bass player he'd got a fantastic pine & oak workshop in Rotherham. In terms of recommending guitars I'd agree the Pacificas are very good for the price, I'd also have a look at the Cort stuff they're affordable, play well and there's every style you could ever want ( they actually manufacture the budget ranges for a lot of the better known brands)
I agree,Yamaha stuff is so well made for the price.Is that Biff who is or was Steve Lukathers guitar tec?? Any vids yet? Come'on Frumpy,ACM, and more,would love to hear you play play mate.
Oh no not Biff ...... I am wanting to learn Bass. Just have westfield jazz Bass. Nothing grand but a start. I'm finding heavy . They now do Daisy Rock guitars for girls / women( stop laughing) designed to be lighter and for small hands. There is a Bass that matches my Monster. They don't sound to bad. Just got to find a decent teacher. Always liked Bass. 12 string acoustic guitars sound lovely. seriously if one of your children want to learn ( female ) check out Daisy Rocks. They are a serious instrument not a kiddy toy.
Well I have taken the plunge & brought my 1st guitar (thanks for your advice Glidofglood) after a long deliberation I have purchased Fender deluxe roadhouse strat & Fender mustang 1 amp Just got to learn how to play now!!!
Since we're all chipping in, here are my three - though I've now got a LAG acoustic too... Epiphone Casino Fender American Deluxe Strat Gibson Les Paul Custom
I spent a large part of yesterday evening (all of it actually...) looking at this series of videos on building your own Strat. Absolutely fantastic. There are 10 of them covering the whole build and it goes on for hour after fascinating hour. Having made the dining room table, bench and chairs, the veneered chest of draws and the oak front door, I see no reason why I couldn't do this. I am hideously tempted. If you don't fancy building the entire thing from scratch, you can still make your own one by assembling all sorts of bits in a sort of Ducati custom bolt-on stylee. Even this looks like a hoot: There's only about an hour or so of this build. Ideas are germinating in my little brain...