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any one out riding this weekend?

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by salbalboa, Oct 12, 2012.

  1. No problem mate have a good un, I'm just round the corner from you off Dale Lane, unfortunately no Pani either a stealthy black 998 or an in your face red 748 with a big No.2 on the front.
  2. Just down the road from me and a great day out .
    Best place to watch if you don't want to pay the £25 is "hunts road" if heading south on M11 come of at Duxford junction.

    take 1 exit at round about

    200 meters go right at next round about travel about 100 meters and you will see lots of cars and bikes parked up.

    you are then opposite the runway which is only about 500 meters away and you saved £50 for the two of you.
  3. Just scaped ice of my car
  4. Just got back after a fantastic trip. Little bit of rain on the way down towards Ypres but apart from that fine weather all the way. Big parade in the centre of Ypres on Saturday for the inauguration of a new Fire Chief and as you probably know they are responsible for providing the buglers for the Last Post at the Menin Gate every night at 8pm. Saturday's ceremony of remembrance happened to be the 29,000th and consequently it was a somewhat larger event than those I had previously witnessed. The fire brigade provided 5 buglers to play the last post where previously I have only witnessed 3, and it was also interesting to meet a contingent of Scottish and Northern Irish Orange Men representing their loyalist comrades laying a wreath. The Royal Navy had a wreath laying escort of mixed ranks attending and the main wreath was laid by some dignitaries from Australia. This morning (Sunday) we were greeted by beautiful sunshine and blue skies and took the opportunity (after a good hotel brek) to visit Tyne Cott cemetery and then the German cemetery at Langemark before an enjoyable ride home for a welcome cuppa!. A thoroughly moving and humbling trip but thanks to all those young men that gave their lives almost a century ago, we are able to do this kind of thing freely.
  5. So didn't manage to get out on the bike today:rolleyes: my mate turned up and his rear tyre had worn all the way through so was unsafe to ride. So decided to have a lazy day and do buggerall :)
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