Go and see one,but make sure it's the right one...ask them questions and see if the replies suit you,because it's a very intimate experience,and you need to believe what the person is saying to you. As it happens I know quite a bit about the whole hypnotherapy gig,if you want advice I'll pm you.Don't suppose you live near Luton?.If so I can recommend someone there very highly.Let me know.
The problem is the way the pharmaceutical industry is regulated. Thousands of drugs are certified for sale and use, on or off prescription, but each one has to meet rigorous criteria. The criteria are focused entirely on treating problems, i.e. each drug has to prove that it helps in some way to treat, cure or alleviate some kind of disease, injury, illness or condition. There is no provision for a pharmaceutical to be permitted for use by people who are perfectly OK, who want it because it will make them stronger, or cleverer, or happier. A permitted drug may have dreadful side-effects but is permitted because it slightly benefits some illness. A recreational drug is never permitted, even if it has no harmful side-effects, simply because it does not benefit an illness. Bonkers I know, but that's the current system and therein is the difficulty.
I gave up a year ago Been smoking since i was 15 - i gave up when I wanted to start a family but started again when they were small Giving up once I decided I wanted to was easy - it's the deciding you want to that's hard Occasionally feel like a fag still but a puff on one now makes me barf
That's my problem, it seems like an awful lot of money. Yet I can easily justify spending more on fags... Wrong side of the M25 for me, sorry.
I stand by what I said: "I'd legalise all drugs that way government can regulate and tax as needed". Think of the advantages: Police effort currently wasted on 'the war on drugs' could be applied to other issues - like catching 'bike thieves fraudsters (aka bankers). Criminal activity currently associated with the illicit drug trade would be significantly reduced. 'Recreational' drug users can enjoy themselves without fear of prosecution. 'Hard' drug users are free to kill themselves - they are a complete drain on public resource anyway. Government can take tax revenue. The value of the UK trugs trade has been variously estimated but a figure of about £4 billion seems to be about right. The tax revenue in VAT alone would be £800 million - which the country could do with right now!
About 7 years ago I was smoking about 40 a day and had been a regular smoker for many years.I went to a hypnotherapist for just one session and I have not touched a fag since.I had many weeks of headaches,cramps,etc,but I got through it.I did develop a habit of chain eating maltesers for a couple of months but gave them up as well. I am really glad I gave up-it enabled me to buy my first motorbike.
I gave up in 2005, but still have days when I crave a ciggy, but I'm sure if I tried one now I would puke (like I did when I first tried one in 1975). Good luck to all who are trying to give up.