I dunno about the look of Harleys. They ain't for me, but I can understand how other people might like them. Mind you, if they brought one out a hundred kilos lighter and able to go round corners perhaps I could be tempted. Doubt it though. What bugs me about them is the price. For 15+ grand you get a fat old bike made from pig iron with shit suspension, shit brakes and shit power. Look at the techno marvels you can get from Japan and Italy for the same money, it bears no comparison at all, with sportsbikes you get value for money, with the yanks you get ripped off, simple as that.
You can buy a Mustang and a Camaro here - but strangely, the moment they cross the Atlantic, the price balloons to double the US cost. No doubt this is the same with the Ableson. The appeal of Harley is to cruise along slowly in a relaxed stylee, not setting off speed cameras and not worrying about getting anywhere very quickly. In a heavily policed and congested traffic environment, that can make some kind of sense.
its the whole American Country and Western, tasseled cowboy thing I can't understand, it all seems a bit childish
The 964 RS as tripled in price since you sold it! The 3.0 are great porsches, like revs more than the later 3.2 ltrs... Very nice cars.
have to admit have an attachment to my old benelli had it so long just couldn't part with it but its the only bike /car I have had any attachment to
I've ridden many other bikes (seeing as here you're pretty much insured to ride anything with a plate) including some legendary ones: MV 750 from the 70s, Norton Commando, Rocket 3 (the original one), MHR etc. etc. I've even tried out Hardly Ablesons when given a chance. But I have never ridden a bike I liked as much as the current Ducati I am/was riding at the time. I prefer the handling, the engine characteristics and the feel. And they tend to look better. So, I reckon I AM on the best. You can talk lap times and expense if you like. It makes no difference to me.