Anything Going On Near Guildford Next Week?

Discussion in 'Rideouts & Events' started by Dave, Apr 15, 2014.

  1. Pete - Looks like I may be there a little after 1800
  2. You eating there or off for a ride?
  3. Well Plan A was to meet at the pub, go for a ride (maybe to Box Hill and back), then eat back at the pub at 7ish. If there is not enough time for that, Plan B is to go for a much shorter ride to Newlands Corner and back. Or if even later delayed (or if weather is threatening), Plan C is just stay at the pub for a meal. I appreciate that people who have work commitments may be under time constraints.
  4. Weather looks like it'll hold out till this evening at least so I'm still going to take a trot out. I won't be eating as my dinner will be waiting for me when I get home afterwards.
    I don't know the pub at all so I'm presuming I'll see you're bikes in the car park?
    By the time I finish work, get home, changed and on the bike I reckon I'll be there at or just after 7.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. It was a delight to meet you Dave, Mrs C and Wayne. Pity about the weather though. Plans for continental trips now crystallising nicely.
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  6. It was a pleasure meeting you all! Thanks for having me along.
    I'm very excited at the prospect of a continental trip - I'd like to get the hotel booked pretty quickly, but will hold off until either you guys have booked first or I get the absolute green light. (Would hate to take the last room and force one of you elsewhere then have to cancel).
    Be great to meet up again if possible, otherwise I look forward to hopefully seeing you in August.
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  7. And thankfully the rain had stopped on the way home which meant I was relatively dry when I stepped through the door!
  8. Likewise Pete. I've just booked the Noss hotel in Cochem - €231 for 3 nights (22-25 Aug) in a single room with a Moselle view, breakfast and motorcycle parking. No deposit req'd. Free cancellation if received in writing up to 14 days before the start of the booking.
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  9. I had a good evening, if a slightly soggy ride home. Nice to put a few faces to names from the forum, and thanks for the drinks etc. Suspect next time we meet up, it might be in Orangina or limoncello country rather than somewhere serving ginger beer!
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