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Are We About To Say 'goodbye' To Ducati, Aprilia, Mv ?

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by Rivercop, Aug 3, 2017.

  1. Wave power for boats and windmills / turbines for planes :p

    Edit... Mr. Bradders got there first, only just seen that.
  2. Except Harleys...
    Hardleyabletoos bikes only convert about 1.7%–2.1% of the energy stored in gasoline to power at the wheel... the rest is turned into noise.
    • Funny Funny x 2
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. thats MATH btw, ask exe, he will tell you.
    • Disagree Disagree x 3
    • Agree Agree x 2
  4. I worked in the USA for 10 years..... some of my English is broken because of it....
    Down the pub I get told off for calling my van a truck.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. Maths is short for Mathsematics, did you know?
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Funny Funny x 1
  6. My father in-law is a retired university professor (Astronomy and Mathematics).
    At Christmas he was chatting to the locals in our pub discussing what he did etc when one started talking about star signs... he smiled saying nothing... but when one oik boasted he was "brilliant at maths and could add any two numbers" he could hold his tongue no longer "that's arithmetic"
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  7. That's disingenuous. Not comparing like with like.

    Electrical energy doesn't start off in the grid; it starts as chemical energy in the form of coal, oil, or gas and is converted into electrical energy in power stations - with limited efficiency. Then the energy is conveyed around the country via the grid to the point of use - with further limited efficiency. Only then do you get to the point of storing the electrical energy in a battery on a vehicle, and finally retrieving that energy and using it to propel the vehicle - at this stage, with the 59% - 62% efficiency you mention. The overall efficiency of the power station/grid/battery system is about the same as the overall efficiency of the gasoline/internal combustion system.

    Whatever the advantages and disadvantages of battery-electric vehicles may be (plenty of arguments to be had there), the alleged "increased efficiency" point is simply not valid.
    • Like Like x 1
  8. You forgot renewable energy, converting kinetic(hydro and wind) and solar energy to electricity.
  9. A bit harsh @Hughdg if you didn't like the ditty:noentry:
    I understand, but
    a :bomb:Nuke:bomb:
    What are you North Korean or a Kiwi?:D
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  10. Cheap at half the price :formerforumupyeahsmiley:

    Love to have a go in one.

    And it turns out, the guy behind the blog is also "crap at it" - his friend said!
    • Funny Funny x 1
  11. I like it and I like the fact that it might be launched in india soon. This could very well be our next car ❤️
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  12. Can you archive it fin, I'll read it later :p

    How many know that the rear view mirror has a wide lens camera built in facing the driver and other inhabitants?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  13. Needed a pandemic of epic proportions several years ago. This would have thinned the population to manageable levels. Less people, less pollution , less traffic , less crowding. More fuel available to enjoy the empty roads. Sorted.
    However , we are stuck with an ever increasing overcrowding and polluting society. Things are only going to get worse I'm afraid. Enjoy your toys while you can. Days are numbered.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. Hydro wind and solar (and incidentally nuclear) are a very long way from being able to meet the home, business, and industrial energy needs of the UK, and are not remotely capable of contributing any energy towards propelling road transport.

    Realistically, if usage of battery electric vehicles increases, the energy they consume can only be supplied by power stations burning gas, coal, and oil; I thought this was so obvious that it scarcely needed to be spelled out.

    The point under discussion was the respective efficiency levels of the various options for converting, storing, transporting, and applying energy. It was asserted, incorrectly, that the battery-electric vehicle option was more efficient, and I pointed out that it wasn't.

    Burning fossil fuels at Drax is better than burning them in the middle of Birmingham, and that could be a genuine advantage of battery-electric vehicles. Having stationary vehicles in traffic jams with idling engines emitting gases is worse than electric vehicles using no energy while stopped, and that could be another genuine advantage. Unfortunately battery-electric vehicles also suffer from a long list of disadvantages and shortcomings, which their enthusiasts are prone to ignore, gloss over, or lie about.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. No one can deny this argument, but there has been a huge acceptance of the technology and countries like the Netherlands and Denmark are now drawing a majority of their electricity from renewables. This is also where rooftop solar will play a huge role, by eliminating the need to transmit electricity over thousands of miles, reducing transmission losses. There's a long way to go before we can reduce dependence on fossil fuels, but that day isn't too far off.
  16. Another bonus... MX track in the garden without annoying the neighbors
    • Like Like x 3
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  18. To make hydrogen requires vast quantities of electricity to split it from the water molecules.

    The only place it can be done without a negative impact on the environment are places with vast supples of hydro electric power such as Scandinavia and certain parts of Japan etc.

    So I still can't fathom out why people keep thinking electric vehicles are 'green'. Ultimately you will, for the most part, be charging them either from fissile fuel or nuclear power stations, neither of which are clean or sustainable :confused:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. Electric vehicles will ultimately derive their energy from renewables such as wind and tidal.

    Of course, the people that tell us that burning fossil fuels is changing the climate are the same folk who will tell us that taking vast amounts of energy from the winds and the tides will NOT affect the climate.

    Uh huh.
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