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Are women getting bigger

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Martin o, Oct 29, 2013.

  1. Jennifer Lawrence was recently quoted as saying that the use of the term 'fat' should be illegal :eek:[/QUOTE]

    Who is Jennifer Lawrence ? Is she a lard arse ?
  2. I suspect you have the answer in this post.
    If you are looking at average height, then you have to consider all the immigrants and their progeny who are now in the UK and British. Those of Asian origin probably contribute to bringing the average height down.
    You'd really have to do your measurements in Cornwall or somewhere if you wanted to know whether the average "old style" Brit was getting taller or shorter.
  3. My missus definitely got bigger this year, went from a 34DD to a porno-pert 34F. Worth every penny
  4. And I thought I led a sheltered life :rolleyes:

    Think 'Hunger Games', not that I know anything about it beyond the title and who plays the leading role.
  5. Is that some sex+food bedroom play?

    Now, where's that mars bar gone?
  6. I used to be small but put on about 4 stone when I got pre eclampsia in 4 weeks it was unreal my feet went from size 4 to size 8!!
    Feet went back to size 5
    I never got that weight off .
    Went to gym 5 days worked several jobs including bar work at night on my feet.
    Did aquacise all sorts .
    Stayed the same.
    Drives me mental as I hate it.
    The only way I loose weight is eat zero fat diet .
    I think after Christmas il have to do 5 days zero fat a week :(
    Even then il loose 1lb a week.
    I can't exercise either at mo so really fed up.
  7. 1 out of 10... :frown:
  8. cant whack a fat lass.
    smack her ass and ride the ripples.

    they dont tell, don't yell and are as keen as hell
  9. There are those who would now say that it's not the fat, it's the sugar.
    What about a zero sugar diet?
  10. While I never had pre eclampsia ( jeeze I hope that's obvious :biggrin: ), but pre crash I was 117 kg ( 6 foot neat ) ( actually that's not true any more ... Im 6 foot on my left leg and 5'10" on the right leg ) and when I got out of hospital 5 month later I was 76 kg , not that Im recommending that as a weight loss technique .. There was nothing left of my arse , I had to sit on cushins on any hard seat , and now 4 1/2 years later 107 kg . Im real sick of this too ! I can starve myself for a week and loose 2 kg and then walk past a pie and its all back on again . Im doing the swimming thing as that's about all Im allowed , cant exercise as I have 3 incisional hernias , cant walk ......just cant , well not until I get some orthotics sorted , and that had to wait till everything had settled down after the last lot of bone grafts. I got real sick of being fat and unfit , I might have been fat before the crash but I could still chase goats round the hills (to all the Welshmen ....its not what you think, they make great salami , and besides them horns ......) , So the swimming has been real good ..... don't expect to , or try to get the weight off in a hurry , there is nothing happy about not making an unrealistic goal , If I can KEEP off an average of a kg a week Im happy
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  11. A kg a week sounds very optimistic. I wouldn't go there. If you can do a lb a week, that would still be almost 2 kg in a month. 6kg in 3 months is not to be sneezed at. Going more slowly is surely a much better way of permanent weight reduction.

    I've been very pleased to lose 3 kg over the summer. Not eating and drinking differently, just burning slightly more calories through a lot of gardening and some quite frequent swimming. Now that I'm not doing much of either, it's probably going to slowly come back, so I need to get to the indoor pool or force myself onto the cold bicycle.
  12. Yeah , that's me ... optimistic. I was steadily piling it on then one day about 3 months ago I realised I was eating coz I was bored , so I made a promise to self , whenever I was about to eat I got up and went outside till I found something to do , and the weight fell off ............ I felt so good ,liver function tests were way better ( mashed in the crash ) so I had a beer , something I have not done for ages , and every beer weighs about 3 tonnes ............ why is it that all the good stuff is bad stuff. I like steak ,pies , chips , beer ( oh yes ) . In spite of all that I have lost , and kept off 7 kg in the last 3 months . The big thing was to not cook up the amount of food I used to eat, I was finding that 1/2 way thru a meal I had had enough but ate the rest anyway . Buying meat in smaller packs , like 2 chops instead of 4 ( for both of us ) helps a lot too:smile:
  13. We always cook for 4 and then split it over 2 days. Half the amount of cooking required, and recipes for 4 people are a lot easier to find.

    If it's not enough, just start with a soup. Not that many calories in most of them.
  14. Have been given a liver shrinking diet but it's dam harsh 4 diet yoghurt a a day and 2 cans of diet soup .
    That's it :(
    It's very harsh .
  15. I'm currently trying the lager diet. It's fookin' great!:biggrin:
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  16. pics??????
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  17. I find I cook for four and then there is a little for the wife to eat as well :upyeah:yum yum.
  18. Had the missus's work do last night , stayed at a hotel , had a meal (edible) then a band played (very good) now whilst I was checking out the other bints , I was dismayed to find I was in the fuckin Star Wars bar , there were so many huge heferlumps.
    Weird they all were big trunked with skinny legs much like the Tasmanian Devils wife .
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  19. The bloke who runs my gym told me today that only 13% of the Swiss population are members of gyms or sports clubs. This figure is apparently comparable with other European countries.

    Now let's be generous and suggest that an equal amount of people do regular exercise without being a member of anything. Judging by the trains stuffed with people with walking boots on at the weekend, heading off to the mountains, plus all the weekend skiers here, this seems not unreasonable.

    That still leaves 3/4 of the population who don't do anything. Add in the fact that they are subsisting on a diet of ready-meals, take-aways and have sedentary jobs, is it surprising that they are all enormous?
  20. Hang on fella. Among my harem of female friends are 3 postwomen who cycle everywhere for a job, 2 female tree surgeons who've got muscle tone I can only dream of, and a poor young kennel maid who comes home looking like she's been stampeded by wildebeest every night. So your personal view of folk depends quite heavily on which kind of circles you hang around in. I've met some truly stunning office babes in my job, but the baggage that comes with them is rarely worth the effort. I'll stick to the earthy babes with a bit of muscle to go with the bingo wings...
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