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Aren’t The British Wonderful?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Longdog, Dec 28, 2020.

  1. If there are Russians there then he’ll probably bunk up with them. :D
    • Funny Funny x 2
  2. The mortality rate isn’t the key stat used to decide whether to lock down though is it? How many develop longer term symptoms? what capacity are hospitals at and what impact is it having on provision of other life saving treatments?

    Geographically we were in a fantastic position to have dealt with this, if we’d done as others have done by shutting the borders early, and enforcing 2 weeks quarantines on visitors, we would probably be COVID free now. Instead we still allow people to travel to go on holiday and do the right thing on return. On return to make sure we don’t bring any other variants back in, I’d stick the fuckers in a temporary holding camp for 2 weeks to quarantine or worse make them isolate in a travel lodge.
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  3. I used to believe in Santa as well
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  4. Exactly. It’s all a question fo capacity, and social media makes it obvious and enhances/magnified the impacts, whether real or not. Except they cancelled loads of life saving stuff and deaths are up in other areas like cancer, suicides etc. So the ones saying lockdown are happier to have those people die than the ones who may catch covid and die.

    It really is that binary i’m afraid: and one reason why the shouters and screamers should give govt less of a hard time: worst job in the world!
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  5. Yep. I am on and will always be on the side of freedom.

    I would and will never give up that for ‘safety’. Extremely slippery and dangerous slope.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  6. Strangely we are agreeing on what is important but not how to get there. In order to offer regular service you need to keep COVID numbers in check so we wouldn’t have to put as much resource into COVID cases. I’m not happy to lock down, but if it means people can start receiving cancer or mental health care I’m all for that.

    I’m not a fan of the current govt by any stretch, and I’m prepared to cut them some slack on some of their decisions as this has been a difficult situation, however, the countries that imposed the hardest of controls early, have populations, with the exception of foreign travel rules, that are living normally. As an island it was in our power to control this; The UK approach instead has felt like death by 1000 cuts.
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  7. All that is borrowed incurs interest to be paid. Trading tomorrow’s deaths for today’s news.
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  8. It’s nothing to do with Brexit, Switzerland are not part of the EU or the EEA although it is part of the Single Market. I don’t think the British are being “blamed and vilified” they were simply ignoring advice from the Swiss Government to quarantine. By the way, the British holiday makers apparently also disregarded U.K. Government advice not to travel in the first place.
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  9. Ok Brit basher, what would you have done??
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. Except many were there when they imposed it only on SA and UK citizens.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  11. As far as I know, the "British" variant seemed to appear in the UK first because the UK has decoded more of the Covid19 genome than any other country in the world and there were few scientists outside of the UK who were able to identify it. Because a new variant is first decoded (and thus identified as a new variant) in the UK doesn't mean it originated here and in fact, it doesn't mean it originated in any one place. If it has mutated in a certain way as part of its evolution in the UK population it's highly likely it's done the same elsewhere simultaneously. Not being able to decode the genome and identify a new variant of a virus doesn't mean your country hasn't got it. The same is likely to be true of the "South African" variant which is supposed to be even more infectious than the UK one.
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  12. And your point is?
  13. Brit Basher? Personally, I don’t really care what nationality they are, they behaved with a total disregard for anyone, themselves and their families and friends included. It just so happened that there were 420 U.K. citizens who travelled against British Government advice and ignored Swiss Government advice and trolled off through France to get back to U.K. Totally irresponsible behaviour. Approximately a dozen or so stayed where they were advised to, the rest legged it under cover of darkness. I imagine if there were any other nationality involved, you would have been among the first to slag them off.
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  14. Fuck me, it took you a while to come up with that. 3/10 must try harder ;)
    • Funny Funny x 2
    • WTF WTF x 1
  15. Anyone with half a brain and any sort of social awareness would have stayed at home in the 1st place IMO.
    Only the "Pull up the ladder I'm alright Jack" crowd would have booked to go away in these uncertain times.
    If I were the swiss I'd ban them for ever more.

    Steve R
    • Agree Agree x 4

  16. Half a brain? how’s the view on that high horse?

    You’re sounding a little Hitlerish pal..

    Because those with brains all think this all makes total sense... Don’t question anything at all and thinks its all perfectly normal that our government does more U turns in one month than a well booked driving instructor would do in a year. (If said instructor still has a job at the end of this).

    I would be careful talking down to those who don’t Necessarily buy all of this. It’s not exactly like it’s only thick people questioning. I’d argue rather the opposite traditionally. And the government themselves haven’t set very good examples.

    people want their lives back. If governments actually made any of this make sense or half believable (whether it is or not) then people might actually listen. This isn’t the public’s fault. This is the governments fault, divide and conquer springs to mind. When said government makes a cluster on absolutely everything then people aren’t exactly going to listen are they = boy that cried wolf.
    #36 Advikaz, Dec 29, 2020
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2020
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  17. Not really, I just have a life mate :upyeah:

  18. Can you let me know where you got yours from?

    mine got taken away from me earlier this year

    • Funny Funny x 5
  19. Gloucester. 117k population. 176 died and had covid. At least 5k made redundant. And another 10k will be once govt stop paying.

    but remember, one death is one too many.....with covid and old people....but flu is ok :upyeah:
    • Agree Agree x 3
  20. This current government makes it's decisions based on cash/business interests and not the welfare of the population.
    ...and you don't even need half a brain to work that fact out chap.
    People want their lives back inc' me, but with a seriously bad virus going around we all need to think of what's best for the population and not be selfish in these trying times.
    I myself fall into the "at risk" group (over 60 and in not the best of health) as does my 91 year old mother who I take care of.
    We've both given up a lot of our freedoms over the past year for the common good as well as our own, I had to cancel my family holiday and Mother has only left the family home twice since last March.
    Whilst others have booked holidays abroad taking the "F'ck everyone else I'm alright" attitude.
    Personally I find their actions indefensible.

    |As for the "Hitlerish" comment...It's beneath my contempt to answer that, as it's against my principles to feed trolls.

    Steve R
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