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Aren’t The British Wonderful?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Longdog, Dec 28, 2020.

  1. I did wonder the same.
    Such escape and evasion tactics would put the The Heroes of Telemark to shame!
  2. Katie Hopkins posted the same data.
    It's becoming clear (to me at least) the remedy is far worse than the poison.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  3. Imagine someone in govt saying, to the inevitable question, ‘people die. It’s sad. And sometimes letting people die costs less to society than keeping a few more people alive. In context, people often at the end of their lives.’.
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  4. I was skiing in February the week before the French shut all ski resorts.
    I did not notice the french in such a hurry to close the borders when COVID was heading our way.
    Regarding the Swiss, they could have been a bit more sympathetic to people who were going to be confined to their rooms.
    That being said who in their right mind, would travel to Switzerland to go skiing with the present situation.
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  5. ere.

    I suspect we're dealing with a bit of good old fashioned anti-conservative bigotry here. Same ole, same ole.
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  6. i wonder what is deemed a pre existing condition. and how many suffer from one.
  7. Here you go. Here's the Gov's own assessment of the impact Covid and its response to Covid will have on mortality.

    Even by its own estimates, the Gov concedes that emergency measures to cope with Covid will cause more loss of life than the disease itself, measured in "QALY" - quality adjusted life years. They expect non-Covid morbidity directly related to the emergency measures, ie. caused by changes to emergency care and clinical care (missed diagnoses and cancelled operations), social care and lockdown induced recession (poverty and suicide) to at least match or exceed direct Covid deaths from March 2020 to March 2021 and two to five years beyond that.

    It justifies these excess deaths (or years of life as it's measuring them) by saying that without the measures direct Covid deaths would have greatly outstripped indirect Covid-response deaths. A pretty big piece of speculation I would have thought. And that's if we accept that their direct Covid death figures are accurate. Notice that they don't differentiate between "dying of" Covid and "dying with" Covid.

    So even of we accept these forecasts as accurate and honestly compiled, they show that for every person dying directly from Covid 19, the Gov considers it reasonable that another should die from the emergency measures put in place to contain the virus.

    • Useful Useful x 2
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  8. We seem to be focused on death rate again which is only the tip of the iceberg really.

    That might be reasonable if doing nothing reduces capacity and leads to higher death rates in non COVID related cases. The knock on effect on non COVID is likely to have a greater legacy; later treatment and later diagnosis etc could mean that the impacts rumble on for years.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. Given the pictures from the summer and all those walkers flocking to hot spots and beaches, it’s amazing we haven’t hit 250k deaths so far.....because it’s such a wildfire killer....
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  10. So the ‘experts’ haven’t done this to keep deaths down then? Ar I get it, they did it just to bankrupt the western world
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  11. depends on what the ‘return on investment’ period is. But I think they have done it to keep deaths down by ensuring hospitals are working within capacity.
  12. Stop press news.... hospitals are full in December and January!!!

    Just like last year. And the year before. And the year before. And the year before.... etc. :rolleyes:
    • Funny Funny x 1
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  13. Slow hand clap yes and that is without COVID so yes this is about capacity management.
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  14. But it is with flu, which seems to have been cured this year.
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  15. It’s funny how govt worldwide are happy to send soldiers by their tens of thousands and millions (in the past) to die in wars for a bit of land or to protect others freedoms.
  16. I’m on my second hospital London visit of the day. Two of the big ones.

    most wards aren’t busy at all. The hospitals to walk through look very quiet. Covid wards fairly busy but they’ve not got exactly loads of beds to start with. Car parks not even half full.

    they’re not being well managed at all these hospitals in my opinion. Lack of consistency or logical thinking and then panic.
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  17. British are wonderful- fact
    Russians won WW2- fact
    COVID is bullshit - will be fact very soon.
    • Funny Funny x 4
  18. Rabbit in headlights management mate. No real strategy or tactical plans: simply managed by capacity stats and similar KPIs. Outside looking in obviously
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. Managers straight out of university no doubt.
    All ok if everything goes by the book, buggered if it doesn’t.
    • Agree Agree x 1

  20. Very true
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