Aston Owners

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Advikaz, Feb 6, 2021.

  1. Hope you haven't been wazzing up&down Stone street young man? :thinkingface:
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  2. Edited for accuracy…..
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  3. Gorgeous that :):upyeah: it’ll be fun in the twisties too….
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  4. I had one tuned to ~650hp. Mental fast. Had a gps 203mph out of it. I bottled it and lifted. It was still creeping up. Too torquey though. It kept breaking traction coming out of corners. Promised myself I’d keep this one standard at a mere 560hp. Hmmm, might give 9e a call soon :imp:
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  5. That is rapid. I would soil myself properly at that speed.
  6. Yeah, morgues and prison cells were flashing through my mind… :laughing:
  7. things start feeling quick at 180+ don’t they. 190-200+ feels like you’re taking off :joy:

    150-170 hardly feels any different to me
    • Agree Agree x 2
  8. My blue turbo (the one in the picture) has a tilt and slide sunroof, and north of 170mph the seal starts to pass. The noise is ridiculous. The first time I did it I almost shat myself…. :D
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. Ah, that’s where we are different.
    I would think of a Jack Russell juggling tennis balls, on a unicycle at those speeds…..
    • Funny Funny x 1

  10. Wouldn’t expect that from Stuttgart’s finest would you
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  11. This thread smells of testosterone :mask::laughing:
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  12. It’s okay to like it :eyes:
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  13. Remember this advert

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  14. Looks fairly similar bar the hair colour from behind
  15. Just need to Veet her arsehole and shave that tash off and that’s a replica….
    • Funny Funny x 1
  16. Aston back after having some bits fitted and a few after sale niggles sorted out (all very trivial)

    Cars garaged anyway but given her a bath and a good wax up and clean ready for a winter sleep

    E259C27D-691A-4600-8DC7-04446E3FD130.png 0781196E-3F5D-4C11-932A-963D3846B775.jpeg E8075D93-6A7F-46A5-8ABE-5B18C58427D1.jpeg
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  17. Very nice. And that reminds me, got to get my wheels to RS Alloys for a jolly good tarting up during the 'closed' season. No mean feat, centre locks with 620nm torque setting, ffs o_O
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  18. Does cleaning the stains off the seats count as niggles then?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  19. I nearly bought a car previously owned by Ryan Giggs. I did have a sneaky look at the upholstery and checked around the rear view mirror for ladies heel marks :D
    • Funny Funny x 1
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