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Aston Owners

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Advikaz, Feb 6, 2021.

  1. My best pal had a special edition DB9, which he kept stored on little Aston Martin pillows.
    He had it for about six years. He sold it for 30k more than he paid for it, and reckons he just about broke even.
    They are lovely looking cars though.
  2. I knew someone that owned one of these. He paid £110,000 brand new from HR Owen in Hertfordshire. I drove him there to collect it. Looked beautiful, sounded like thunder. But the biggest pile of dog poo you can imagine. Everything and anything that could go wrong did I great fashion. It spent months at a time back with the dealer. The ride was rock hard, it was just a bit agricultural.
    In the end he took a hit and just sold it to buy a Porsche 911.
    There’s a reason they are cheap.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. After much deliberation.

    A deal has been done and I’m super happy!

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  4. Thankyou. I’ve yet to come to terms with it. It’s genuinely my ultimate achievable car. I can’t stop looking at it.

    feel very fortunate, can’t wait to get across to Europe and find some mountain roads to enjoy it on.
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  5. That’s what it needs, fine open roads
    Good on you.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1

  6. Appreciate it mate. Never thought I’d own an Aston. Major life goal moment :)
    • Like Like x 4
  7. Gorgeous cars. I was admiring a DB11 in Scotland the other day. Walking round it and peeping through the windows like a 12 year old.
    • Funny Funny x 2
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  8. I caught myself doing the same the other day until I realised someone was in it!
    • Funny Funny x 4
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  9. I don’t think technically speaking they’re the ‘best’ car I could have purchased for the money. But they’re emotive things, the experience is theatre! I walked in to the room with it and I came over like an excited 5 year old, which is what they’re supposed to do.

    Im not too bothered about gazillion horse power 300mph monsters. I’ve got the gsxr for stuff like that.

    this is for cruising over to the alps in style (potentially on a relay truck) but style never the less. Get the missus out in her red bottomed heels and pretend I’m Jimmy Bond.

    Lovely job.
    • Like Like x 6
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  10. Thankyou!
  11. My mate had a brand spanking DB9, the 6 litre V12. Best sounding car ever. It was a black cab with cream leather. I'll always remember him rocking up at my house the very day he got it... What a sight. And off we shot, pedal to the metal, looking a right pair of wankers :laughing:

    Glorious GT motor :upyeah:
    • Funny Funny x 2
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  12. Lovely @Advikaz enjoy and have many hours of pleasurable driving :)
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  13. Dogging again Carr………
    • Funny Funny x 3
  14. Enjoy!
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  15. Thanks everyone.

    currently working out how I’m going to explain to the missus that her new fridge is not going to fit in the garage anymore…
    • Funny Funny x 1
  16. Looks fab! Congrats.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  17. Congratulations from one Aston owner to another! Forget the doom and gloom punters and enjoy it, they are an incredible driving and ownership experience. By the way I upgraded the DB7 a couple of months back. 2017 Vanquish
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