I think that’s polar bear liver. Tbh, if he’s running into those monsters I suspect he will have bigger problems to contend with, because not only does that mean he’s gone the wrong way, but it will be very cold and even supposing he survives that peril, Ivor and his shipmate will be the chilled meat section of the polar bears’ floating buffet. I’ve heard that human liver actually goes quite well with fava beans and a nice chianti
When you get done Ivor keen to know what the story behind your name is, wondering if Dan or Adrian (whichever you) is that bad you had to choose another
Pretty sure it’s human liver, from reading the story of the Essex and it’s survivors and by extension the tradition that eating another crew member was ok in a pinch. Generally speaking it was decided by drawing straws although widely suspected as the least popular sailor got eaten first.
Those are the directions which Columbus wrote in his journal, and have given great results since 1492 -if you follow them you can't go wrong. However if you are reading this in July and are docked in Rio, you shouda done a bit more right innitt...
Been following on FB, yesterday they had ‘a fin’ following and Ivor was out the boat cleaning the hull of barnacles to get the speed up….