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Australia Move.....on The Cards!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Nigel Machin, Dec 23, 2019.

  1. Turns out huntsman spiders aren't so tough:

    • Like Like x 1
    • WTF WTF x 1
  2. Great whites
    Red backs
    Funnel webs
    Tai Pans
    brown snakes
    Blue ring octopus
    Sea snakes
    Salt water crocodiles
  3. Especially the crocs. People go missing all the time. Hire cars are discovered near the beaches with all their ID occupants wallets, keys & clothes. Plus they hunt in packs in remote areas. They are 20 feet long, and weigh 78 stone.
    #63 Jez900ie, Dec 25, 2019
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2019
  4. The locals...:punch:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. ahhh....I have always got in great with Aussies. Poked a few of them
  6. Remember one thing,you will end up with a Australian accent in time as my mate sounds Aussie all day long,question is can you live with that.:thinkingface:
    • Funny Funny x 3
  7. Do Australians like being called Aussies ?
  8. never been an issue in my experience

    how about POM?
    #68 749er, Dec 25, 2019
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2019
  9. Well it has been in mine, so go and stick yer head up a dead bears bum.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. My brother and his family have lived on the outskirts of Sydney for 20 years. They are never moving back to the U.K.. They are planning to move to Queensland for a better way of life in a few years. Property is much cheaper there than Sydney for the large (by U.K. standards) homestead they want.

    Sydney is like most very large cities. It’s busy and cosmopolitan. Office work there can be like anywhere else, high pressure, high stress. My brother eventually gave up office work to drive a lorry. The per hour pay is about the same, but the hours and amount of stress are much less. Once his deliveries are done for the day he goes home (usually by early afternoon) and doesn’t have to worry about work until he gets to the depot the next morning to find out where that day’s deliveries are to.

    The traffic in Sydney is bad. Very bad, and the city is expanding so it’s getting worse. Don’t expect to go anywhere quickly in rush hour traffic. If an estate agent says the local station is 10-15 minutes away then expect it to take up to an hour at rush hour. In the U.K. you might choose to cycle instead of drive, but in the 40 degree heat of an Aussie summer you probably won’t. If you’re used to driving in London then it’s similar, but much much bigger. Sydney covers about eight times the area of London.

    Depending upon what field of work you are in you may find the Aussie attitude to things a bit of an issue. They have yet to work out that doing something right the first time is the most efficient way to do things. In the construction and engineering fields it is not uncommon for people to work towards a goal in a way that anyone with a bit of forethought can see won’t work. Once they eventually reach the inevitable insurmountable issue they go back and start again this time approaching things correctly (hopefully). For the workers that’s all ok because they get paid for the hours they work no matter how long the job takes. For the management it’s just a normal part of any job. For the customer it’s immensely frustrating unless you’re an Aussie, in which case it’s a perfectly normal way for a job to progress and you just accept it.

    Overall the way of life in Australia seems to be very good and if you like the outdoors it’s great. My advice would be to try and become as Aussie as you can as quickly as possible. That way you’ll fit in and be accepted and won’t get branded as a whinging Pom. My brother and his wife both volunteer for the Rural Fire Service, which I am sure has helped them to integrate into the local community. At the moment that does mean that they are spending all their spare time fighting bush fires that now cover an area the size of Switzerland.
    • Useful Useful x 2
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  11. Thanks for the insight @SunEye much appreciated:)
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