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B T Sport 2 .

Discussion in 'Clothing, Gadgets & Equipment' started by chase, Apr 29, 2015.

  1. That's Chrome's fault for not supporting Microsoft Silverlight anymore. Just use safari or something. You on a Mac?
  2. No, not on a Mac, I'm using a PC.

    Spent countless hours recently switching to Chrome as BT suggested that I switch as I was having some issues using Firefox, now this.
  3. Sods law really. I'm a chrome fan myself but have noticed a few sites that don't work properly on it now. Almost made me switch back to Safari. I detest Firefox, too many malware plugins like to install themselves on firefox
  4. @JH would I be better off using I.E?
  5. That'd work for you. IE got a bad rep a few years ago but it's quite a good browser nowadays. Working with Xerox, we have to use it as a lot of their hardware requires it
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  6. I use the ipad connector that has HDMI out and a power in socket. Works fine.
  7. It's got 3xHDMI, currently occupied by the Freesat box, PS4 and Raspberry Pi (running RaspBMC or whatever it's called now).
    But if I bought a splitter box, I wouldn't have an excuse to buy a new TV, would I?
  8. Hopefully the issue being resolved involves BTSport getting with the times and using something other than Silverlight.
  9. HTML 5 with mobile browser support [emoji6]
  10. @CRYSTALJOHN , try using Mozilla Firefox, old dogs, new tricks. lots of nice add-ons as well .......

    IMHO chrome is utter shite
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  11. Greyman I have been using Firefox for several years, I only switched to Chrome as I was experiencing some intermittent problems whilst watching MotoGP . I called BT tech help and they suggested switching my browser ( although I think that is the default solution from the tech's on the helpline).
    I have now switched back to Firefox and BT sport appears to be O.K.

    I would like to know if having more than one browser on my harddrive could be a possible source of conflict?

    I have learnt that there are many differing opinions regarding browsers!
  12. Hi John
    I have had IE, FireFox and Chrome on my systems for years now, using all three as needed. There should be any issues or conflicts on a Windows PC.
  13. Thanks for the info' Loz. I have had a suspicion that having more than one browser might cause some conflicts, so it's good to hear from someone who knows about these things that it's o.k.
    I spend a disproportionate amount of time buggering about with my laptop, sometimes on a daily basis, as there always appears to be something which ain't working properly.

    For example: went to scan a document and my printer isn't showing when I select 'devices and printers 'from the menu. Much buggering about and although I can print documents, I ended up sending the bloody document via the Royal mail, as I can't scan it.
  14. Have you tried a rubber mallet, John?

    Good luck taming the beastie, laptops are a pain most of the time. Like PCs only naughtier.*

    *Remember to check the laptop's rebound damping .... /run away.
  15. I can tell you Loz that the bleeding laptop's only just avoided getting chucked through my window on numerous occasions, this morning being one of the occassions.
    All good with the world now as I'm just about to treat the neighbours to the sound of Termis on my 848!
    • Like Like x 1
  16. You need a copier engineer [emoji3]
    What model and what version of windows? Sounds like you need to install the TWAIN driver (I can explain).
    • Like Like x 1
  17. I'm out on my bike ATM .
    I'm using Windows 7.
    I'm interested in the Train driver if it's not too complicated. Does it involve Raspberry pies?
    • Like Like x 1
  18. Windows 7 and 8 both have basic TWAIN built in. You just run the scanner from Devices & Printers. No bells or whistles though, you need the manufacturer's software for the super-duper stuff.

    Mind you, I'd install Shania Twain any day of the week.
  19. I read the first part of this thread and bought the Chromecast thing from Amazon. I then read the second part about chrome not working with BT Sport and started swearing!! Does anyone know if the Chromecast thing has to be run with the Chrome browser or if it will work with anything else??
  20. If I understand correctly, you 'cast' the BT Sport app from your Android or iOS device to the Chromecast; Silverlight isn't involved.
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