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Ban On New Petrol And Diesel Cars In Uk From 2030

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Nov 18, 2020.

  1. You don't have to have that switched on for those in power to follow you...if they want to.;)
    Any phone leaves a trail...and any phone can be followed.
  2. Might work for a vehicle that goes back to base after 8 hours. Where are the trucks going long distance are going to be charged?
    I know. They can get a full charge while waiting for 2 days to go on a ferry.
    • Like Like x 1
  3. In reality they’ve got 9 years to build range of affordable EVs that do 450 miles on one charge and cost around £15k to £20k. Plus they’ve got to roll out a national charging infrastructure so most people are only 5 miles from a 50kw charger.

    They’d better get cracking then...
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. Almost all automotive R&D is going to EV vehicles, so i understand. There is also the the bigger picture that with EV vehicles, that in 10 years time will almost certainly self drive, might mean a lot of people do not need to own their own car. Just call a taxi up on your phone. The average car travels just 140 miles per week and spends over 90% of its time sitting still. What a waste of money that is.

    Most assume the World will stay the same as it is now, it won't and never has.
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. Entirely different proposition though. You can choose some settings, choose to have it on and off. It’s a convenience vs giving data argument.

    being tracked so ‘they’ can fine you for staying too long on double yellows, speeding, breaking curfew (nice new lawns thanks to pandemic) etc etc is a quite different proposition.
  6. I laughed at the self driving and most won’t own a vehicle. People are materialistic and want convenience. Waiting for a self drive cab is for inner city kids or the dreamers
    • Like Like x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. With everything being transported on the public roads from europe & internally these days with HGV's,i would love to see their take on overcoming this massive weight problem.:thinkingface:
  8. Funnily enough our council are talking about a congestion charge to enter Hereford and work place parking levy and a water boat
    Anyone been to Hereford? and sat in the car park traffic
    Our council are going to use Nottingham as an example
  9. Oh I forgot we are going to have electric buses too
  10. aye, i've been there, i was cut up by some nutjob quine in a mini.

    • Funny Funny x 1
  11. The standard of driving eh :grinning:
  12. yip, seen better. much better.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  13. You can laugh all you want but a lot of the younger generation do not see owning a car as a necessity.

    As we all get older we all become obsolete and new thinking comes in.
  14. VW allocated 73 billion for electric cars development in the next 5 years. (1.25 billion a month :astonished: )

    They estimate a level 5 autonomous car will require nearly 1 billion lines of code, just as reference a modern luxury car has 80-90 million lines, a Boeing 787 has 6.5 million lines.
  15. If they want the data then can take it. Don't let Apple or Samung let you believe switching a setting on/off does otherwise.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. No doubt the government will force developers, to provide 2 off road parking places with charging points
    on all new dwellings.
    And ensure highways England provide charge points for dwellings without off road parking.
  17. I'd imagine you would be a wealthy man if you could prove that.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. It is fact. I can't prove it but i know a few who can.
  19. I'd like to see evidence of that, surely if you could prove, for instance, that setting location services off doesn't actually do that it would ruin Apple / Samsung or whoever.
  20. Some Government bodies have the ability to pull all the data off any mobile phone within a certain radius of their scanner. Whether you want them to have it or not.
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