haha...my dad and i were in the cop shop once, and this scummy chav bloke was kicking off waiting for his mate to be released...eventually, and after giving the police loads of verbal, he stormed off, kicking the door open on his way out..it was at that point that my Dad noticed, said scumbag, on the Police "WANTED" poster on the wall!!!! The pigs didnt even recognise him! so you cant blame that bitch ass punk scumbucket for having a go can you?
El toro put one of them speeding trackers on your bike and ever time you go 1mph over the speed limit you get a automatic fine and points.Easy done and doesn't make you a dangerous driver/rider that needs banning if you are going a few miles a hour over the speed limit.Just luck of the draw I guess. Maybe the future if powers that be get there way or automatic limiters on vehicles in speed restricted areas. I for one would like to see more focus on dangerous driving,driving without due care and attention.Do you ever see cops with a camera at junctions catching people pulling out on other road users.Do you fuck.Far more easy to revenue collect via speeding fines hiding in a bush just outside my local bikers cafe.
You got caught speeding. Tough. We all speed at some point. And if we get caught we should accept the consequences. It is not "basically fuck all". However I do agree that more emphasis should be put on dangerous driving/riding etc. This should be approached through better education IMO.
You missed my point El toro Yes fine for speeding but is a ban really necessary if you get caught a few times going a few miles a hour over the limit.Hardly makes you a dangerous driver that needs removing from the roads. Lets face it we all speed so should we all be banned as im sure we have all gone over the speed limit say 4 times.Its a shame the police don't focus on junctions etc as this would do more to reduce road deaths surely than the current hide in a bush tactic on empty roads with clear vision.At the end of the day I aint pulling a wheelie at 100mph past a school or zebra crossing in a built up area with car parked on both sides of the road lol.
I disagree completely. If you think you can speed anywhere and everywhere you are indeed a dangerous driver/rider and a complete bell end. I'm definitely no saint but there are times and a place to do it. You seem to be advocating that it can be done anywhere and at any time, as long as it's just a "few" miles an hour over the limit.
For what it's worth (and butting in on someone else's argument) that isn't what I took out of Matt's posts. He was simply saying (I thought) that we all speed and it is somewhat down to the luck of the draw if you get caught doing it. Though we might speed safely (out of town, in open spaces blah blah) it's no guarantee that you won't be nabbed for doing so. If you feel really strongly about not speeding, I can't see what use a Ducati sportsbike is, unless it's used solely on the track.
I repeat "I'm definitely no saint but there are times and a place to do it.". And if you're gonna do it then keep your eyes peeled :wink:
The thing about speeding is that it's illegal. Full stop. So although I keep my eyes peeled, and, if feel, speed responsibly where it has no consequences to other people, you still get caught out from time to time. Thankfully, it's been infrequent. But I'm not sure "I deserve it". If the police see fit to put cameras and traps where the speeding is doing no harm, then you can't help feeling some injustice, as there are plenty of places they could put them where they are probably doing some good. We've probably drifted off-topic.
Thank you.I don't have the written skills of some of the legal eagles on here but I thought my point was pretty easy to understand.Guess not. Im not advocating treating every road like your on a Isle of Man TT race lol. Im simply questioning why police focus so much on speeding other than revenue collecting if they want to reduce road deaths.Also seems pointless banning people for a build up of point if offenses where minor and on open roads with plenty of vision and not a hazard to other road users. I just think police would be better off focusing on juntions where the vast majority of accidents seem to take place. I guess we will all be happy if government gets there way and fits speed trackers on every vehicle or speed limiters that wont allow you to go over the limit in the first place.Will this reduce road deaths or are there many more factors that get missed as they don't seem to bring in revenue like speeding fines.
That will kill the automotive industry at one stroke. Cars will cease to be status symbols and people will stop changing them for years and years.
for once im going to disagree with Tozzer me old mate..and that hurts more than you'll ever know, or im willing to admit to.. i got 3 points for TS10, 'running a red light'..i requested the pic etc etc...it read on the bottom of the pic: Elapsed time 1.2 secs. Speed: 23mph.. i was behind a hitop van and couldnt see the light was obscured..if id been going a bit faster no problema...i already had 3 points..then 18 months later i got done again (well documented on here)..42 in 40..No, im not making it up..went to court and all the rest of it..got slapped with a £250 fine, £15 victims of crime donation, £60odd costs, and 4 points, bringing me up to 10.... cnuts mate, im telling you. My mate got a totting up ban in 2007 for speeding through a contraflow near Leeds...he was doing something like 50 and it was a 40..he got 9 points to add to 3 he already had...boss went to court with him etc...got a 3 month ban and fine.
The cops do not sit at junctions or outside schools quite simply because no-one speeds there, so there's no revenue to be earned.
I hope no one would attempt to defend the actions of the subject of the OP, his car does indeed need to be impounded and crushed.
may i refer you to my thread about scum bag copper doing exactly that...and..who had wheeled his steed across the road to hide it a farmers field..