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899 Barons new 899

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by simmytt, Apr 6, 2014.

  1. Well. Got home from work.... Without showing any video played the audio to the wife (she has no idea who he is)....

    1. She reckoned they were the same.
    2. Told me to stop being a twat.
    3. Instructed me to then clean the sitting room up as the kids had trashed it.

    And just to cap this one thing we all know is women are always right..... We'll mine is....
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  2. The guy runs an animation/video graphics agency.
  3. Well, that'd be both then!
  4. He has been named on here a few times with a link to his company,but they have been removed pdq,friends in high places.
  5. Not sure why people feel the need to 'expose' him. Strange...
  6. I wasn't on a witch hunt.... Someone posted the clip.... I don't think I've ever heard 2 different people with an identical voice....
  7. The mystery shall remain then....
  8. A third for you, listen to Stephen Mangan

  9. Nope. Sounds nothing like him...
  10. Well if outing was good enough for Wilfred Bramble and old Charley Haughtrey, its good enough for BVG ;)
  11. i dont think any one was trying to out him, i think a few of us assumed he was charley as the voice is similar also bear in mind when he Vlogs he is wearing a helmet talking so that can change the voice some what

    i think most of us myself included appreciate what he is doing for the motorcycle industry and with his videos he is helping non motor cyclists understand what we go thru on a day to day basis as well as what looks like having a hell of a lot of fun

    just my 2 sence
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  12. Baron on a track event some where

  13. Think it was the bike of the year test for Fast Bikes Mag. He must be loving the opportunity all this has thrown up.
  14. new vid up on You tube - TT Episode 1 - looks like a Decent series
  15. Ha - this has been a good read ;)
    I think the main thing to think about is that it should never be taken too seriously. It started as some cocking around on bikes and tbh, thats when i was happiest doing it. As it grows and more people know about it - the more pressure there is and the more sensitivity you have to apply to ones views - thats not manufacturers - they understand - its actually the people. Some one always knows better - thinks you're a knob, bla bla - but from the start ive never said im anything but an average motorcyclist. not the fastest - not the slowest.

    I have now achieved my main goal which i set out over 2 years to achieve. To be invited to something like Sports Bike of the Year test - which happened a couple of weeks ago in Portimao. And yes - it was worth having it as a dream.
    So now - not sure where to go and in a way i am relieved i managed to tick it off the list finally - im flirting with brands here and there but let me CONFIRM this - i dont get paid ANYTHING for reviews or saying "look at this cool stuff". In actual fact the KTM competition has probable cost me over £2k already and the TT cost me about £700. Portimao cost me about £350. And as an idea of money i generate, i get about $300 for a vid on youtube after say 6 months.

    So this really is not for the money - for me its about being able to experience 'money cant buy' things like Fast Bikes mag, TT with Guy Martin - all that shit which is awesome.

    I think what i'd like to do is actually take a back seat for a while as i know many of you wont think so but its a CONSTANT job to record, edit, upload, manage social accounts, make visits, keep up relationships etc. So i need a bit of a break.

    Everything has a lifespan - i've know this from the start. As soon as it hits a peak - some get turned off as its not as underground anymore. So we'll see. if it ends, it ends - i know the motorcycle industry is on its knees so its unlikely to ever generate enough of a comparable income to give up the day job.

    So it remains a hobby which im really enjoying - and im preferring to do the 'event' type videos these days as thats what I want to do - riding daily with a camera becomes tiresome and I'm happy when I dont have to record - thats why there have been little in the way of 'commuting' videos recently.

    Oh, and i actually managed a 1.46 at Almeria last time around ;)
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  16. good post baron and you certainly have a whole bunch of followers who like and enjoy what you do
  17. oh and the Charley thing - its not me ;)

    We went to school together and he is a very good friend of mine. Also, as people really need to understand - just because the media 'puts someone in a box' - it does not mean that they show who they really are. Charley is the furthest thing possible from a 'male model' - he drives an old 7 series and rides a GPZ900... and its a MASSIVE petrol head who has always disagreed with the fashion world. Lovely bloke :)
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  18. Nice one for taking the time to keep up the social side and posting. Always good to hear your thoughts and give you the chance to answer back.

    Its become a bit of a beast now Im sure and as your experiences and videos have developed, so the expectations have grown from your audience.

    Thanks for the entertainment so far and if you decide to call it a day I don't think there can be many out there who would blame you with a company to run and a baby in the family...........although Im sure those who did would be vocal about it! You just need Top Gear to do something with bikes but then they already have 2 people capable for doing that for them....although I bet their life assurance would be a nightmare for the Beeb to cover if they did bikes for the show. Maybe thats your angle? Cheaper than Richard Hammond if you die whilst shooting for them :D

    It always amazes me the amount of time people dedicate to criticising something that they dont pay for and have the option not to watch. I for one enjoy your vids...ultimately you're one of us eh?
    • Agree Agree x 3
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  19. My thoughts exactly

    If only there was a TV series showing what mr baron is doing for all of us
  20. I very much enjoy the vids. I have to say that the Greenlaning GSXR vid was perhaps the best of the lot. A bit like a classic Monty Python sketch or a hit record - sometimes you get it so right it's hard to do better, which might be galling when you do a load of other things subsequently.
    The mobility vehicle around Soho was a bit of a classic too.
    • Agree Agree x 2
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