Happy days, lets see how the weather developed throughout the week then and if all good I'll meet you at Tesco's again once you have a rough idea of your E.T.A
Just a bit more information for you chaps... I have been speaking with one of the event organisers this morning via email as there seemed to be some contradicting information on the T'interweb with regards to the hours of the event... It appears that the official start time for the event is 16:00hrs, I suspect people will start arriving early afternoon though. As in previous years, parking will be available on all of the events streets for motorcycles only and there will be Marshalls present to get you in (not sure if the Marshalls are only present after 16:00hrs). When the even streets have reached capacity, they will be closed off and you will not get in on your bike (Turn out is expected to be in excess of 20,000 this year). You will then have to use the surrounding streets for parking... Below is a Map of the event streets which people may find useful. Ferriby Road is the main road in to Barton from the Humber Bridge which I suspect most people will com in to Barton on @Exige not sure if this scuppers your plans of setting off for the event early with there being the possibility of not much going on until mid afternoon?
@Ben Mallinson @bettes - That start time may scupper my plans as I now need to be back home by 5.30pm/6pm at the latest. However it doesn't scupper plans to ride across early on and do a couple of hours riding in Lincolnshire
With the councils own site saying 2pm and the same site mentioning an 8am start I think it will be a muddle! We were going to head towards the area late morning and drop in for a look see early to mid afternoon. Will still do that weather dependant I think.
There's the usual Wednesday night stuff tonight, Boston tomorrow night, Brigg on Friday and Barton on Saturday. Weather looks pretty iffy for Boston though.
@El Toro @bettes Thats fine by me, let me know your E.T.A when you have sorted out plans between yourselves and I'll meet you at tesco again P.S. Apologies for the delay in getting back on here, travelled home last night and bloody internet is down at home so limited connectivity :/ I'll keep coming on here as and when I can though and you've got my mobile number to text me also if needs be Terry
Does sound like it may be a bit of a muddle doesn't it, had another email stating the road closures will be in effect from 2pm but no marshalling in place until 4pm... I know you will do anyway but just be careful as you get a bit closer to Barton as I'm sure the boys in blue will be looking to get some tickets issued and revenue in for the Xmas party pot
@Rebel @Fire3500 @greencat Looks like myself and SWMBO will be heading to east halton tonight. Should be there for around 5:30-6pm, If anyone else is heading there we'll see you there
For information, The fire station will be open for parking from approx. 2pm. All they ask for is small donation to charity. location can be seen on map (Ben's post) bottom left of centre. Ill be there by 2pm, hopefully see a few other Ducatis there as well
I don't finish till 8pm and east halton only 5-10mins from there... if your still there your there if not i'll just go home...
Sounds like El T and Bettes are coming over early as T needs to be back home for 5-6pm latest. We're going to head up to the wolds and show them some of the delightful Lincolnshire TT Think with this slight change of plan I don't think we'll be coming to Barton. We will meet sooner or later though @Exige, think we'll have to make the effort to come up to squires and have a coffee with you