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Bassetts Pole - Any Point ?

Discussion in 'Rideouts & Events' started by tricolore, Apr 16, 2014.

  1. A woman was killed a bassets a few years ago just after the police left to deal with an incident.

    Perhaps that why they have such a presence now?
  2. They are a bit late then - as usual.
  3. I've been going to bassets pole on and off for about 15 years,the meet has realy got out of hand,especially when you have twatts racing up and down the dual carriage way,for which draws a crowd on to the centre reservation,egging them on,to which the police turn up.spoils it for everyone.i go there with my other Ducati mate and meet like minded Ducati people up there and grab a coffee.
  4. Ahhh sad and avoidable.
    Poor lass
  5. Dying from traumatic leg injuries is very bad. Since 2004 there has been a full decade of traumatic amputation experience in Afghanistan that is now feeding back in to the UK medical system (A lot of nurses, doctors and surgeons in the military are Reservists.) It's amazing what they can save you from these days.
    #27 pingping010101, Apr 24, 2014
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2014
  6. Indeed. An inlaw stepped on an ied in afghanistan amd lost both legs and part of his hand.

    He got off with his life. Was a helluva mess. Those were the obvious injuries
  7. Nice to see at the end of the BBC article the police defending the BP meeting and saying that most of the people there are responsible and law-abiding.
    • Like Like x 1
  8. You know what?? Fuck it.... Assuming the weather stays nice I may well pass by later & see what the fuss is about.... Now... Where did I put my standard plate??
  9. Im sure it will be quiet tonight as people do tend to stay in if its been damp. you should be ok with a small plate as long as its not a daft small one.
  10. I need a run out to test the new throttle tube anyhoo.... Any specific time to drop by?... Its been a while since I passed that way..
  11. Sorry, only just caught up with this again.

    Normally aim to get there around 7 ish as it is busy enough at that time and after that it can be hard to park but people do go home early.

    I ended up getting there about half eight or something which was late but I had a few things to sort.

    Give us a heads up next time and come and say hello to a few of the guys off here if they turn up....
  12. Will do mate... Everything conspired against me going out last night.. I'll get in touch next time I'm out on a Tuesday:upyeah:
  13. Yeah do that!

    Basic rule of thumb is sunny = loads of people, a bit of rain earlier in the day = empty :rolleyes:
  14. Shame its not tonight... Weathers stunning out there & I'll be out no matter WHAT the wife says ;)
    • Funny Funny x 1
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