If the bike will start, using a multimeter see what voltage you're getting across the battery. Amazed you've actually got a charge light.
The little bulb was loose, hence not seeing it glow! I have fitted my 848 reg and still no joy.. I'm guessing it's the alternator, which is a bit of a shock as the engine came from a running good bike, prior to it going down the road.
I just bought a used one from D&K Motorcycles for £53. There are a few on ebay and new ones from Wemoto for £80 or so. If you haven't read the article I linked to yet, I suggest you do as its very informative about the charging circuit and its recommended to rewire the new stator with 6mm2 wire, then relocate the reg/rec to the license plate holder as it gets cooked in the original location. I've just bought the cable & stuff to do mine this week.
Not wishing to complicate matters further intentionally but if you are thinking of changing to a non-std setup re: rectifier, you might want to consider :- ducatipaso.org • View topic - Solution to rec/reg charging problems
OK - re tested the Stator...Looks ok, need to set the meter to the correct ACV Across the batt with bike off I'm getting 13.05V Tickover this goes to 13.50. No significant change when reved? Any thoughts? Whole thing could just have been a Fooked battery? Anyone fitted a dash DVM to their bike? Any recommendations? All the ones on ebay are way too chunky!