And as likely today as Farage is to lead this country or have any say whatsoever in the power base other than swinging the votethru protest to that odius Kane...or was it Abel...leader of the Labour party
No one has the high ground here Brad. All the parties are shite. All of them. Its like choosing whether shoot yourself in the left eye or the right eye or just shove the barrel up your nose.
so , you don't like salmond,, do we care !!!!! two days after the result he was welcomed back to his constituency like a returning hero,, actually he is a hero... and screaming lord such,, never met him but always liked him,, alas another troubled soul..
The Tv debates, which are ridiculous btw and too yanky for my liking, become utterly pointless if those taking part have no chance of power. The greens have more support. And anyone can promise the earth policies knowing they will never, ever, have to deliver on them I should know, I took a job last year on the same basis
Just so you know, when you sell your soul to the Devil for an unholy bargain to further your political aims, just bear in mind that the Devil actually sold his own soul to Murdoch. Effectively, when you sell your soul to the Devil, you are actually giving it away to a really evil bastard instead. Fox News is an abomination of misinformation. The fact that it is allowed to call itself "News" is shows you that not only is there no justice in the world, we in fact all died and went to Hell without knowing it. Why Boots is trying to defend Murdoch (calling him a C*** is practically a compliment to the odious toad) I do not know.
that's a real shame. i used to feel that way then charels kennedy came along. then dissapeared. bummer good guy. must be pants having no one credible to vote for.
You should know. The Sky Nationalist Party cant provide credible details currency, europe, etc. Yet still you follow Murdoch like a patsy.
obv you are right about Murdoch and fox but sky , bbc, et all are just the same. only news channel worth a watch is RT..
Maybe so Finnie old bean, but at least I aint in denial and admit to their shortcomings rather than just accepting bullshit as fact. Salmond is throwing you sweeties he cant pay for. Your blind loyalty without skepticism and mistrust of a politician just because he said so is laughable. Is it any wonder he needed 16yr olds. Besides. You lost. They said No. Most of us Scots arent nearly as stupid as you look. ompus::Smuggrin:
excuse ,, most Scottish people did not vote no,,, 55 % of 85% is not "most " of the Scottish people ... current population of Scotland,,, 5.2 mill,,,,,,,,,,,,,, votes for No,, 2 mill...
From which we can only assume that 15% (780,000 people) really didn't give a shit one way or the other...
still listen to BBC R Scotland. it was funny this morning. garry robertson is quite a feisty interrogator i have listened to many politicians squirm on his show but angus robertson ripped him a new one over the up coming T.V. election debate. hysterical. whats the average vote figures down your way? and why?
Probably close to 15% . Most people feel disenfranchised from the whole thing. One good thing the referendum did was bring into focus just how much we need change in the rest of the UK. I can at least thank the SNP for that. If nothing changes though I'll move home to register and vote for the feckers myself.
you can assume what you like but that does not change the fact that fewer than half the Scottish pop were in the feartey camp
@bootsam move home? i think we have enough na Sayers of our own. no more space for doom mongers thank you very much.
Yes plenty of sore losers back home. But I dont mind as I never got to Glasgow or should I say New Dublin anyway.