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Becoming Unusable As A Non Subscriber

Discussion in 'Forum How To's - create an Avatar/Event/Group etc?' started by bradders, Dec 11, 2024.

  1. My issue is not with having the ads to help pay the server costs, but, it appears to me that the amount of pop up ads, pretty much now every click of the mouse, has drastically increased in the last couple of weeks

    The ads within the thread themselves are not an issue, but, the pop up ads, you click to remove it, then another comes straight up again

    I'm not a subscriber, and I am a tight arsed git, well, I am from Yorkshire :joy:
    • Funny Funny x 4
  2. :joy:
  3. Then it should be suggested to the OP that if they changed it he might get more replies .
    But changing it is OTT.
    What next, i dont like yellow Ducati's is removed as they disagree with that as well.
  4. I didn't know there were ads either! I think the difference is I don't use my phone like some as a third arm, my iphone stays on my desk unless I'm riding, as I mainly use my PC, and that is equipped with ad blockers. I hate ads, they drive me potty.
    I also don't use the forum as others seem to do, I dip in and out when I see something interesting. If you want to air non-Ducati issues I'm sure there are other, more suitable, platforms for that - X, Facebook etc. I don't see the relationship with motorcycling and politics, religion, sex and general bitching. I my experience the motorcycling community is very welcoming, and when you meet a stranger on a motorbike you have an instant connection, and I don't immediately try to establish my political leanings.
    Having said that, if it was a choice between having a clean forum or paying a subscription, I'd pay the £5. In fact, I'm going to subscribe anyway, as I think this Forum is worth it.
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  5. The early 2000's have been on the phone, they want their pop-up ads back....:confused:
    • Funny Funny x 2
  6. Yes that might be a better approach.
    Ps: I love yellow Ducati’s (best colour).
  7. Heathen :joy:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. I wonder what the costs of being a member of a golf club costs a year?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. What an absolutely stupid reply.
    Your implying this gives the same as one of those ?


    You need to look at sites like PB evo.
    They basically set up a fund me page and people chip in as they want. The two times they have done so its gone way over what was needed ensuring it keeps ticking along be it selling bits or talking about Trackdays.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. A quick observation
    7 newbies this month so far posted in newbie section
    6 non subscribers
    1 subscribed
    All have been active in the last 12 hours
  11. I could tell you. But it's obviously not the same thing. Any golf club that offered a £5 annual subscription would have a windmill in it. £5 to keep this site running is good value.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. Too bloody much according to Mrs GG :(
    • Funny Funny x 4
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  13. So you don't want to subscribe? Your prerogative. It really is.

    And good for them if that business model works for them. They have s significantly higher readership than we do I'm fairly certain :)
  14. Do not a have a problem with the £5.
    What I want is to be able to renew my subscription as and when I get the reminder and not to wait for 7 days.
    • Agree Agree x 1
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