I'm sat in bed here with my little girl while reading this (she is watching wall-e again!), not able to even imagine how tough that must have been to lose a child!! My thoughts are with you and your family today!
Yeah!... It's a good one!... Well deserved in my opinion!... Still seeing double, but had a good time yesterday. Even my mother turned up who is in her 70's... The boy is doing well next to my brother at the Crem!... Still want to know who keeps putting hearts on his plaque though!... Thanks all!
It's sometimes over simplified but the memories you carry round in your heart are what makes a difference, I'm not religious, I don't believe in an afterlife, but those good memories have a habit of hanging around in other people for a long time after you are dead. I think it's harder with a child as you lose that possibility of the future, as in my case where you have had very little time to come to know your child. I know a lot of people who have had a stillbirth and I always thought that was even 'worse', whereas they wold say to me how much 'worse' my situation was. At the end of the day the loss of any child is a horrible experience and one I would never wish on anyone else. RadiheadR6 - I hope you find some peace in remembering your son and can keep moving forward.
Not the same as losing a Son or Daughter I "know" (I've got assorted of both), but FWIW I lost my very best friend at age 25 (36 years ago). He died suddenly at work. He never got to see or hold his beautiful Daughter. I am not in the slightest bit religious and don't believe in afterlife. BUT, not a day goes by that I don't think of him and I still occasionally talk to him, especially when I'm enjoying things I know he would have liked to have had the oportunity to be doing with me. Even though I've completely come to terms with the fact he's gone (it took a while), He's still my very best friend.
i ll keep quit on this one... just take more resolve into avoiding the petty arguments over petty little things that ruin an otherwise good day... as we see here , as tough it needs explaining, that some good health and the presence and well being of family and friends puts us amongst the very lucky ones... and wish all strength in those darkest of hours for those who are not that Lucky..
My sister lost her son, my nephew, aged 14 to cancer and it destroyed her. You wouldn't wish it on your worst enemy, that's for sure. But the memories of the good times are still there even if sometimes they bring a tear to your eye like reading this thread. I must admit it's made me hug my kids that little bit longer. Personally I don't believe there is anything else, although I often wish there was.
Im following Mllies Trust on Facebook It's heart breaking reading how Millies mum and dad just survives the day each and everyday Their baby choked to death while in the care of a nursery Their energies are channelled into life saving courses for babies and children I admire how each and everyone of you who have lost a child gets through each day