What's "Wrong" ??? A shop keeper can't refuse to serve you ?!?! Of course they can, and don't need to give a reason. It's their shop FFS.
I generally use my own bag for life when I go shopping, it carries much more beer and pizzas than a face mask
Wow, so far I am only to here (Above). I will read the rest but... Passive aggressive much? I am nearly 60 overweight, and diabetic and currently un employed. No health coverage etc. I have led a full and free life. I am not wishing it on OTHERS. Just hoping that whomever it does not kill can mourn their dead and get on with whatever this is. I understand that when you speak you are all one because NOBODY dare truly oppose their leaders... except in hushed tones. Here in America, when we say "I" we are generally speaking for all those other like minded individuals who are NOT afraid to speak their minds out loud. Would it have been better that I said "WE" and spoke for others? Remember. Our leader from the beginning had this pegged right and tried to help peoples health and wallet. Yours said Protect us! (The NHS) and yet your country is as infected as any, and as poor as any other... and is now "opening" remember... Stiff upper lip! and even though you protected the NHS... your taxes will go up like ours Back to the rest of your thread
"We have no choice but to live with the existence of the Flu, and Cancer, even as research continues." How do you know we do not have to live with this too? Have they cured the common cold? No. Nor so many other things. "This thing has been around less than a year and you're prepared to condemn many to death because your individual freedom is being impinged upon. Well, societies that care to some extent about their citizenry are not going to raise the white flag in your name yet." Yes, less than a year for MUCH MUCH less actual harm from the virus (Please go read all of the posts about that) Than the shut downs have caused... People could no longer GET their cancer treatments... Could NOT go see their doctor in person for ANYTHING... I did not ADVOCATE A PATH. I said I was tired of it. Like so many others. How many in the world are currently suffering through war? or starving in prosperous countries? By Christmas 10,000 more could be dead from a war that your leaders participate in over a resource or something. Short term view? Good luck. Caring about personal mental health and a countries economy are NOT short term. Perhaps it would be better that the UK stay on lock down for another 24 months... then lets see where you are. Over here we have people called the greatest generation (You do too, but I bet it's not you) they fought and won WWII They were willing to sacrifice... So am I.
Bloody hell, you can't even make dig without tying yourself in knots. You have already said you are not yet 60, so Rex you are not in that generation either. But, hilariously, you equate your willingness to live in a society where there are few restrictions based on Covid with the sacrifice made by those who went into battle in WWII. No wonder you are a supporter of Trump - you share the same unbelievably inflated yet unfounded sense of self-importance. P.S I am not of the UK, I was born and live in Australia.
Ideal leader for them there Americans, having watched and listened to some of his ramblings comedy gold
I never ever said I was one of them. Just that "WE" <-- see I didnt use "I" Did. And above I referred to them as "THEY" not "US" so you see I really never did what you say I did. the point is I am the vulnerable that you say need protection. I am sorry if you have loved ones that are sick from this . I truly am. But i do not think this is as bad as they say. The true death rate is probably only 10% of what is claimed. I stated how i feel and i stand by it. Whether i stand alone or not. And please do some research... Go read my posts. I never said to change the restrictions. I said i wanted this to be over. I wear a mask when i go out. Gloves too. I dont "Gather in groups" either. It is interesting that because someone had an honest opinion and shared it publicly that you equate that to an "unfounded sense of self-importance". Is that an Australia thing? And you dont even know me. Or whether i am important where I live. I Support Trump? Hmm, well I did vote for him, and I do defend him against the over abundance of bullshit around here. and I will vote for him again because he was and still is the better choice. BUT I have never campaigned for him or donated any money. I dont know much about Australia. Good luck over there. Sorry I thought you were from the UK. I am not sure if that would have been an upgrade or not. HAHAHAHA I love that. He is smarter than you know. He is playing the system and winning. Even with most of the MSM and other leaders against him because he dares to game the system and change things up. I know that the world hangs on his every breath. You must feel sad that nobody really cares what your leader says... All politics worldwide are changed because he won.