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1200 Being Short Has It Down Falls

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by MaDProFF, Jun 22, 2014.

  1. Find a pair of these help ;) , I'm 5'7'' and use the standard seat

  2. Hey I'm liking them!
  3. I use Daytona those ones that are quite high inserts
  4. Im going 2" cuban styley
    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. Was that shot at the last Mutley Run?........

    ........Just say'in :Shamefullyembarrased: ;)
  6. I fell off going up a high kerb this evening,I feel such a plonker, I knew I had to keep the pace up but slowed and got stuck halfway,of course once it starts falling all I can do is cushion it,with my left leg,ouch.limping like a twat.
  7. I am just so angry with myself!!!ofcourse I wobbled at the point where my feet were a good few inches off the ground,surrounded by a crowd as on way in to Arsenal,at least lots of people were there to lift the bike off me and dust me down.
  8. Twat. Every sympathy but twat all the same
  9. There but for the grace of <insert supplication of choice> go many of us. I'm an IAM observer and, when meeting my trainee a couple of weeks ago, had to run up a sloping kerb at (what I damn well knew to be) a far too shallow angle - rear wheel skited off backwards and threw the bike off balance. I'm certain that only the shame of dropping my bike in front of said trainee made me put in the effort to haul the plot upright. My back still twinges...
  10. I can't disagree. I am an observer too,double twat.
  11. Hey Pete must be 6'4 and dropped his at the weekend. Shit happens :)
  12. Very true,if that's all I have to worry about then I am a lucky fella, can't get Rotherham out of my head,

  13. Oooops
    Be careful now where's the 100 year old drivers thread :D
  14. Honda CD175 for all you short arses?

    Mate of mine was telling me he has seen a short guy with a GS Adventure, who stands alongside, puts into first starts to roll then jumps on as the bike is moving. He didn't say how he managed to stop it !
  15. Hey. I've a CD175 and I'm not short :) [​IMG]
    • Like Like x 1
  16. Nice spiders web on the front wheel arch. Please let the spiders be,they are good for the environment.
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