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benefit tourism….its only a small problem…..

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by andyb, Dec 18, 2013.

  1. Even if there were unskilled work available we wouldn't want it. There is nothing at all stopping British people working the night shift of a petrol station, doing 12 hour shifts at a car wash, or driving a taxi, but we are too lazy to do these jobs at minimum wage. This is not the fault of the migrant workers who are doing those jobs, it's the fault of society for giving everything to their kids too readily and giving them a false sense of entitlement and grandeur.
    #101 philoldsmobile, Dec 24, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2013
  2. Etc etc


    spot on
  3. Do kids still have Saturday jobs to earn themselves money, or do parents now just dish it out in quantity? When I was at school I'd have been delighted to have some hours washing cars. In fact i did once until I was "made redundant". Pah! I found a job in a better petrol station that paid more.
  4. I don't doubt a few do, but the closest most get is nandos or McDonnalds.

    I once took a job scrubbing graffiti and emptying bins at a local shopping centre for a couple of weeks while between jobs having been made redundant. There is more pride in doing anything legitimate to earn money than sitting around taking handouts. The day I sign on will be the day there isn't a bin man required in a 20 mile radius. I'm doing quite nicely at the moment, I'm not rich by any stretch of the imagination but I live a comfortable life doing a respectable job for decent money. This doesn't mean life will always be this way though so if I do fall on hard times I won't be too proud to clean loos or empty bins for a living.

    People today want to drop into the 30 - 40k job without doing the hard graft that precedes it.
  5. Kids cant get weekend jobs or shelf fillers any more. My son has tried loads (ok not that hard) and even to fill shelves in a supermarket you are up against graduates. Plus many dont like sub 18yr olds.

    But...I also think more have a 'right' attitude than a 'its up to me' attitude
  6. No, pre 18 years you really are up against it. Doing voluntary work for a few months first would possibly be a good idea, as it shows an ability to commit, something sadly lacking in a lot of young people today. Anything that can stand him out from the crowd will be useful.
  7. Plus pensioners supplementing their pensions, at least they will more likely turn up on time.
  8. We live in a post industrial society. We have an excess of labour yet employers are crying out for workers with basic skills. Education for a significant minority is seen as a mugs game when benefits will provide the basics, and sometimes a lot more.

    I blame cradle to grave socialism where the state is looked on to provide rather than individual enterprise.
  9. That's not socialism, it's just bone idleness.
  10. so how come the most socialist countries in Europe top the OECD and many other metrics for

    quality of life
    society to bring up children
    equality, be that gender, wealth and others

    and yet Norway, Sweden etc have very little debt. Actually, Norway has none, but then again, it didn't piss its oil wealth away dumping miners on the dole.
  11. if i was selecting someone for a job, yes i would look at the our qualifications that person has but the fact they are a graduate means cock all to most jobs certainly in my world…….the best qualities are generally the unquantifiable on a certificate, how switched on they are, their application, their dexterity…….and so on…….i see it time and time again in my world where the two are lined up against one another…..i know which one i generally pick!
  12. Like any good (sic) socialist, they fiddle the figures :wink: eg France.

    Ah Norway, that most special of special cases.
  13. Of course, we don't do that at all, do we......

  14. Why do you think Norway is a special case?

    the oil fund or the death penalty?

    only two countries in the world have chosen not to have an oil fund.

    UK and Iraq

    iraq invested in war with Iran, the invasion of Kuwait and pissing off George W.

    We invested in

    Falklands war
    two gulf wars
    northern Ireland

    the relentless imperialism of the British establishment, thinking it still rules the waves, has an empire is killing this country. We never learn. You look at that list and you can't help notice that the troubles of today were caused by British interference decades or more ago.

    so I would suggest that Norway is not a special case, it did what most countries did with its oil wealth. We did the same as Saddam Hussein.
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  15. You forgot to use the word 'illegal' :wink:

    Does Bhutan have an oil fund ?
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