Best Place (world) To Live +50 / Not Working - Opinion, Advice And Discussion

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by AirCon, Mar 1, 2018.

  1. But without the airplane noise
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. More anticlimax than me buying my next bike....
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  3. Nice place Paul, but based on my 45 year experience; a house at 300 years old is probably going to be a money pit for maintenance. Mine is at least 170 years old and that is bad enough for my pocket - but the only way I will leave is probably in a box.
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  4. It’s still near me :)

    Wilton is a lovely town to live in - you will feel at home there - people are warm to ‘outsides’. Just that this place needs a lot of work and is right next to the A36 and constant traffic lorries plus the train line is at the bottom of the garden and the river does flood (some flood protection work going on). There are also over 1000 new houses being built in the area - this ain’t the countryside

    But wilton has everything you could need and may well also have a station soon - we love it here

    However I would not want to live in Salisbury - traffic nightmare as all traffic going north south or east west has to go through the centre -

    I’d be looking a bit further west ;)
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  5. Plus they poison people in Salisbury :)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  6. You are surrounded by the military though and the hospital is pretty good :)

    Lots of good pubs to , four in wilton , several local breweries , 24/7 milk dispensers , good farm shop , helicopters - lots , Rivers , hour in the car to the seaside , plenty of good ride outs, not too far from Motorapido , good doorstep walking in Grovely the biggest wood in the south , the near to Portsmouth and the cross channel ferries , Dorset on the doorstep - Wales pretty accessible for a weekend away Wilton house has monthly car & bike meets

    What’s not to like ;p

    Picture I took a few mins ago

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  7. We've a 300 year old house now; and yes, it's a money pit.
    As soon as you get to one end, you have to return to the other to start again.
    #509 AirCon, Jan 16, 2019
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 16, 2019
  8. Pizza? :thinkingface: ps, you're a girl :yum
  9. Before we moved out of London we spent years travelling back & forth, at all times of the year, not just the high seasons, so we could see what it was like all year round. We rented houses and ‘pretended’ we were living there. It’s a big move and you don’t want to get it wrong, but you will have to make some compromises.

    We also drew up a list of the 10 things we had to have and made sure ALL 10 boxes could be ticked, no compromises on that. (If a good curry house is one then put it on the list and stick to it.) We bought a notebook, a nice, posh one, and wrote the 10 things in the front, including the thoughts around the things that were thought of and then discarded. Every time we looked at a place we marked it against the 10. Much as we might have loved the house, or the location, if it didn’t score a complete 10 it would have to be discarded. Decide with your other half what it is you want from life and go for it.
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  10. Fancy Gloucestershire mate? @AirCon
  11. Following prebreakfast negotiations about 5 minutes ago, it's either that or Worcestershire :mad:.
    Latest criteria is to be able to "pop to mums in Eardisley", these spurious redlines appear to be added every 28 days or so!
  12. Im in cheltenham If you fancy coming up for a visit mate, have a look round the cotswold.
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  13. That's why you've got to set out your joint Top 10 (or 20 or whatever but the more you have the more impossible it becomes). When compiling the list divide all the things you come up with into 'must haves', 'nice to haves', 'easy come, easy go' and 'can live without'. It's the things in the 'must have' column that then form the basis of the Top 10 and it minimises 'ooh, that would be nice' changes down the line. :upyeah:
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  14. Have you thought about moving to Spain?
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