Best Place (world) To Live +50 / Not Working - Opinion, Advice And Discussion

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by AirCon, Mar 1, 2018.

  1. I was on top shelf drugs man and in a wheel chair!
    ..... Will look in to it shortly...
  2. bri
    Aircon,,hope your not confused with all this advise:thinkingface: maxresdefault.jpg
    • Funny Funny x 2
  3. Been to Stalybridge, the pub on the station platform was really good! Never been to Liverpool, us southerners are scared of it there...

    More on topic, I'm getting jealous as I won't be able to retire too early as I left having kids later (so I'm 46 with a 4 year old). Just a choice I made but does affect retiring. Having said that, as soon as the numbers work I'll retire, or semi-retire if I need funds. My uncle retired at 55 and "coerced" his wife into retiring even though she was only 50. They set off doing all the things they'd wanted to do, holidays, cruises, taking time to see family etc., just generally having a good time. She died 3 years later at only 53. His only consolation when she passed was the 3 amazing years they'd had. Why wouldn't you grab that if you could? You need the money to do what you need to do to be happy...but need and want are different things.....
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  4. [​IMG]
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  5. I've heard dying people wishing for one more year..or one more day....or even one more hour before they go......... but I've never heard any wishing for one more £
    • Agree Agree x 5
  6. [​IMG]
    • Funny Funny x 2
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  7. It's only London that's mental Rob, the rest of the south is nearer normality.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  8. The pub on the platform is cool
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  9. It has air conditioning... may be I could get the maintenance contract?
  10. Wrong answer, you're retiring, stop thinking of work.
    • Funny Funny x 2
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  11. @AirCon

    Have you thought about just taking a step back from the company, rather than dissolving? Get someone trustworthy to run it, while you take a small income from afar?

    My old man retired at 48, got bored shitless within a year and started a second career, is now on the board at the age of 76. Said retiring was not for him. You might be one of those people, love the thrill and relationships a working life brings.
    • Useful Useful x 1
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  12. You can't actually park a car in it..... unless it's narrower at the front that the rear or vice versa; Bond Bug?
  13. someone I know just bought this place and got the keys last Thursday. missus and I went to have a look after our usual Saturday morning walk in Richmond park.
    I might pass that garage link to the buyer as they only got 2x parking spaces with the flat and they have 3 cars!
  14. Wow, just fecking wow :)
    • Agree Agree x 2
  15. For £6M I’d want a more than a 3 bed apartment! If I had six fucking million I’d be living by a warm beach with surf board and a salty dog.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. I wish I was allowed to show you what you get for your £30,000,000 to £80M overlooking Regents Park.....
    Most of the ones we look after here are only used for a few days a year, if that.
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  17. Thats near me. Utterly ridiculous; it's just a scabby damp garage, I'd be surprised if it sold as you wouldn't want to keep an expensive car in a separate block garage like that. It's for rent for £60 a week with no takers for at least six months as I was looking last year. I pay a neighbour £200 a month for a garage that is part of the house and not damp,etc but it is true you cannot find much decent around here without paying mega money.
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