I did a similar thing myself - bought some LED ring running lights off ebay for £2 delivered from China! Took the headlight out, two screws to get the projector out and put the ring over the projector lens. Wired it in to the running lights and off you go.
Sinister is a member who spent a fortune on his bike and got some multi coloured lights on the front of his bike. Good bloke
Hi Hump.... i have dropped you an email regarding my 2011 848 Evo i have just purchased yesterday i'm in sunny Fleetwood (so not far away from Chester) and would love you to work your magic on my 848's headlights.... if the email didn't go through my email address is [email protected] Cheers Bud hope to hear from you soon Chris and hello to everyone else on the Forum, i look forward to chatting with you in the future about all things Ducati