Agree. Once the weekend hit, I only saw nurses. They were bottom of the barrel type too, and they couldn't work out how to shut my F'ing door behind them. I wasn't released until Tuesday when I saw my first doc since the Friday. Now it looks like they didn't send me home with enough antibiotics as my pneumonia is back. Saw the GP today and stated that I will not be sent back to hospital. They can treat me at home where I'm comfortable. Just means I have a load of diarised GP appointments this week to give bloods etc...
Congratulations on getting home, and making it upstairs Paul. If you are up to receiving visitors, let me know. Don't worry, I won't come unless invited. Pete.
On the long recovery road Paul so take it easy. Hope you have all the kit set up to make the most of your time - the Rugby World Cup is on soon!