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Bike Accident Mr. Air Con

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by AirCon, Aug 19, 2015.

  1. Oh bummer Paul
    Can you get carers in so you can stay home?
    Don't get disheartened look how far you have already come
    Your Emma is a star to put up with you :Smuggrin:
    If your marriage survives this it will survive anything
    Hang on in there and big hugs to you both :Kiss:
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  2. Paul, My father had a very serious operation a few years back, which ended up with him being in hospital for about six weeks, he came home for a few days and realised he needed back in, which happened and really it was the best place for him at that time. Both he and I wanted him out, because we felt he was sufficiently better to cope, but he wasn't. I know its a crap existence in hospital, especially at weekends but if thats whats needed its for the best.

    We have never met except through this thread but I really feel for you and your family at this time.

    Best wishes

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  3. Sorry to read this AC. Hope this internment isn't long mate.
    Best wishes to you and Emma
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  4. Listen to your body mate. Feel for ya.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  5. You want to be in the place where the recovery will be fastest. It's a drag but if that place is hospital, so be it. This is the time to organise the music, the books, the films on the iPad - all that stuff to stave off the boredom. It's Misano this weekend, so you want to get yourself signed up to the MotoGP website so that you can see it all. That should take up most of the next couple of days.
    All the very best of luck with everything.
    • Love You Love You x 1
  6. I watched the Silverstone GP round (that I'd paid £140 for tickets to attend) on my hospital bed. Sunday flew by. BT sport app is magic. Every other day was pure boredom so I know the feeling. You end up so bored you can't even be bothered to watch a film on the iPad. I ended up telling my cousin to go home as I was so weak, and on an oxygen mask, that we were just sitting in silence.

    If, like you say, you're comfy at home but just have trouble moving, don't move. Your trying too much. Just sit and rest and take your meds. As much as you'll be a pain to Emma, you'll be better in your head than you will be in hospital.

    Friend had operations on both knees. He lived and slept on the sofa for 2 months. Take a leaf out of his book, you've learnt your limits. Don't move!
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  7. Not sure if I've made this clear, but I was able to load my left leg to allow walks of 10m or more. It is no longer weight bearing, so now I can only just move a few feet with heavy support.
    My physioterrorist thinks I've broken the crucia and another ligament. Almost definitely during the accident albeit not immediately noticed.
    Hospital Monday so hopefully a scan or xray should show more. Not sure what they will do before the external fixat or is removed (10 weeks).
  8. With that external fixation kit, you should be adding zero weight onto the leg. Literally kit wiggling it & maybe resting it on the floor under its own weight but not using it!! Man i use to jog, kayak before my injury took place & they still recommended no use for one month then 10%,20%, 50% weight over the coming months. What did the consultant tell you to do with the leg?

    It was the same thing with regard to police blundering of cctv from the business where the guy who knocked me off took place. They do not want to do anything above their roll or be mindful of helpful suggestions like gathering local cctv info. Luckily the person admitted liability for me & has never changed his stance.
  9. Both the physioterrorist and I was told to immediately walk on it. 100% load bearing. Get up and walk today I was told the day after the operation.
    I must admit I was amazed.
    If it was just me then given the drugs I could have made a mistake. However my daily plan organised by the baddie from a James Bond film included walking more each day.
  10. FFS, what's wrong with people. Gutted for ya .
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  11. Sounds like they repaired the obvious damage but failed to check you out for less obvious stuff.
    Better make sure you really are fit to go home next time...
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. Some information on the knee ligaments. There are 2 x collateral ligaments (inside & outside of knee), and 2 x cruciate ligaments (anterior & posterior):

    Knee injuries – cruciate ligament

    My only personal experience of knee ligament injury has been partial tears of the medial (inner) ligament in my right knee as a result of sports injury. On each occasion the knee was supported with a braced sleeve & it took around a month to restore normal function.
    However the diagnosis was much easier as I didn't present in A&E with multiple serious fractures.

    Damage to the posterior cruciate is quite common in road traffic accidents, but there's no way of second guessing the nature of the problem without proper examination.
    The degree of swelling around the affected knee can also hamper diagnosis, I had to return for a second examination after the swelling had reduced with my first medial ligament tear in order to complete an accurate diagnosis.

    This is clearly a very difficult time for you, and the healing process is dragging on.
    I hope you are able to receive more guidance to provide a defined recovery path when you re-visit hospital.

    Good luck.
    • Useful Useful x 1
  13. I had experimantal reconstructive surgery on my left knee
    3or 4 years ago (not been counting)
    could not put weight on that leg for quite a few weeks told to
    keep elevated was off work for 4 months
    was the main reason for finding this forum I couldn't move
    so spent most of my time on the net lol

    very surprised you been told weight bearing straight away
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  14. Dam, I will have to have another beer for you tonight - fking get well soon, it's costing a fortune :smile:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  15. ok i will have a dram also, not to many mind. of to Stirling on the bike tomorrow.
    • Funny Funny x 1

  16. Oooo painful I broke my meniscus and fractured the cartlidge running under the front of my knee cap
    I couldn't weight bear on it at all
    Caused by falling off as pillion and bike landing on inside of my knee
    Had arthroscopy to repair damage took a good six months to be able to get back to work

    Hope they find the problem and get it sorted Paul
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  17. That's a bit of a bummer...sorry to hear you might have to go back to hospital. All the best for a full recovery. These things can't be rushed.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  18. AC, you can use my BT sign in to watch MGP if u want. pm me.
    • Love You Love You x 1
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  19. Dude,
    This is very kind of you.
    Today me and Mrs.Aircon are going to enjoy one last stress free day together before the working week.
    Tomorrow hospital services are taking me down stairs on a stretcher!
    I then need to see if I can get my leg trauma team to take on the knee injury and to find out how we get me walking, albeit on crutches.
    I'm probably going to stay in Hospital in the rehabilitation ward....I can see a rich line of song based humour here.
  20. If it takes your mind off things you can teach me all about due point/condensation [emoji11]
    • Funny Funny x 1
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