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Bike Accident Mr. Air Con

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by AirCon, Aug 19, 2015.

  1. I reckon your recovery's going a great deal better than you realise. I know it literally feels painfully slow to you but hey, you're walking for 30 minutes and able to do your company accounts, as well as opening and closing fingers on your damaged hand.
    You're doing brilliantly! :)
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  2. Tree sap, sounds like your getting a bit of wood there :Smuggrin:

    All the best AC
    • WTF WTF x 1
  3. hang in there bud it aint fun I know but you will get there
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  4. Yep, he'll be fine - soon he will realise if he hasn't already :)
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  5. why would i have flat ginger beer?
    just raw ginger would do...wouldnt it?
  6. Raw ginger is a bit harsh and strong, if your stomach is feeling delicate, and fizzy drink makes you belch which can induce vomiting. Flat ginger beer has the anti-nauseous effect of ginger without adverse side-effects. Just a suggestion.
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  7. My experience is that climate plays a big part, and this time of year is always difficult as the weather is always changing. Summer is always easier, all I can advise is just go with it, some days will be better than others. I can swing from hardly knowing anything ever happened (especially when I'm in Spain visiting my folks) other days I am less mobile. Just enjoy the good days and don't beat yourself up on the bad days. You do notice after time the ratio of good days to bad days improves significantly.
  8. Turn the aircon off and the boiler on ;)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. lost the plot a bit here mate,,,,,,,,,, hope yoo is well tonte.. mabe got your woomin w yoo
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. I've lost the plot (not sure i was actually in possession of said plot) or you have?
    And yes Lemmsy (wife) is with me, as I wouldn't be able to function at home without her.
  11. ah,, glad you back home..
  12. Sorry I didn't make myself understood.
    I already have around 50 bits of metal in my right arm (2010 injury). Mainly new lands for ligament attachment and a few larger bits to replace bones or to support them. Most of the time they are fine.

    My issue is with the external support cage on my left leg. Rumour says that it will be on until late NOVEMBER or later.
    Most of the time it's fine, so really I've answered my moaning.

    When I'm forced not to have my leg elevated (hospital visit days) the swelling makes it impossible to walk for the next two days. This pattern has slready repeated twice.
    I'm really looking forward to my 7am to 7pm visit (door to door) next Friday!!!
    #832 AirCon, Sep 27, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 27, 2015
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  13. Pin sites sound fine, just be slow in clearing the hardened yellow wax. You have got pink liquid stuff for cleaning wounds? Always wear gloves & don't freak if green goo comes out over time. Your body wants to seal the cavities & the more you fuss the more you will cause inflammation which turn into scars.
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  14. We don't have the pink cleaning stuff, but instead clean the wounds with saline, when necessary in between district nurse visits.
    Some pin sites bleed (wires) where the larger pins (pencil size) tend to issue Paul sap.

    I've been told some patients with similar external fixators go snow skiing.

    Clearly these must be Scandinavians on crack.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  15. As an infrequent visitor to the forum now-a-days I've only just spotted this!......really sorry to hear of your crash Paul, hope you're well on the way to being mended!!
    If you want any tips on the Taylor Spatial Frame....I did 15 months with one after my crash Jun 2006 and a further 3 months 4 years later! - I'm an expert on pin site cleaning and avoiding infection of the pin sites, zero infections over the 18 months, everyone else I met at the Frame clinics (dozens of people over that length of time) 90+% had pinsite infections (which can be nasty and require surgery!)

    All the best mate.....keep your chin up...........oh and Tramadol, Gaberpentin, Paracetamol work pretty well............especially with occasional alcohol assistance! :-O


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  16. HI Andy,
    Good to hear from you again.
    Thanks for the tips. Your injury looks to have impacted more areas than mine.
    You've terrified me with the time scale to recovery. At the moment the surgeons are treating me like a prize mushroom.
    I was hoping to have this all sorted by Christmas!
    Can I have a 10 minute phone call at a time of your convenience? This would mean a lot to me.
    I've a whole range of questions I don't want to bore the forum with. And due to the crushed hand text and typing is literally a pain.
    If you PM your number and a time I'll call you or you can call me, I assume you can access the forum database for my number.
  17. also works v.well when hungover.
    • Useful Useful x 1
  18. Happy to have a chat Paul, just off out now but I'll PM my home phone no. when I get back.

    Don't worry about the 15 months thing, that's not usual even for the most severe bone damage - I had what they refer to as a 'non union' mid Tibia, not an issue with my ability to heal (compound fractures to my foot and Tibial Platueau fixed in a reasonable time scale.....by the way, surprise surprise, smoking has negative effects on healing and you MUST NOT take anti-inflamatory drugs such as Ibuprofen!) but to do with the nature of my particular injury....apparently there can be some effects from certain high energy impacts that affect bone regrowth (no real science to explain this as yet I was told) plus the ratio of bone to 'gaps' wasn't good due to the loss of bone fragments at the scene ('open fractures') and the tiny fragments that were ditched in surgery.
    Long story short.....what saved my lower leg in the end after all else had failed was my consultant being Prof Atkins (Bristol Royal Infirmary) who was working with an 'experimental' treatment at the time, an infusion of something called Bone Morphogenetic Protein got things going in the end.
    I kinda missed the frame when it came off eventually, pretty much part of me by then! :-O

    I was unlucky with the damage to my leg but that was pretty much it for me so in so many ways I was actually LUCKY! :D ........sounds like you have a lot more to contend with :-(
    (that said.....I'm currently waiting on a date for surgery on my shoulder AC joint....I'm told that what's going on now very likely relates to my bike crash!)
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  19. How you fairing mr aircon

    You know we are happy to listen to anything you want to talk about your not boring :Kiss:
    • Love You Love You x 1
  20. Hi @Ducbird, I'm in the hospital (St. Mary's, Paddington) for tests. Just with the leg team now. Waiting for a leg Xray in a queue with the rest of the UN members. No one in the waiting area is speaking English.

    If we are to increase tourism to this country we need to make it safer for visitors.!
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