Hi mate, got a gt air the same as you and used for the first time today, and just looking at your thread have exactly the same, a high pitch whistle/vacuum from the left hand side, then, if I press on that side it goes. I have two visors so have put the other new one in and will see if that's the fault, but wondered what they said to you, a very gutted Mark
Hi mate they sent it off to shoei. Didn't say what was wrong but it came back and it's fine now. I rode down to bike gear with my caberg v2xr carbon on (which I always thought was pretty quiet) to pick it up and rode away with the shoei and it is a lot quieter.
Yea I got it from get geared so a pain to send back, hopefully just a faulty visor on mine so will know this weekend, seems bloody weird we both have the same thing though. I installed a new visor as I connected the pin lock insert and wanted to be sure to get a super clean visor to start with, have put the original back on now but still seems to be able to flex/push the visor in that area
Have you tried oiling the rubber around the visor? Don't know if it helps or not but says in book it can help create a better seal.
Na, no oil as yet, reluctant to start doing to much messing as its brand new and should be good to go, but maybe a route to try rather than sending back straight away, was meant to be a Xmas present but got impatient waiting, can I blame Shoei for wrecking my Xmas??
Yeah is disappointing and for that price should be spot on. I just run a thin line of that oil that came with the helmet around the rubber. Mine was crimbo present too. Glad it's ok now as really started stressing me out.
Yea tell me about it, took me an age trying to decide which helmet, then narrow it down to a few, then go try them all on blady blady bla, and then this, small fry in the big world of problems I know, but god its peed me right off
Just got a xr1100 and the base plate is adjustable,i adjusted it to pull it more onto the rubber seal,i guess yours use a non adjustable base plate ?
Lift visor to max,should expose cross head screws,undo a little and you should have some movement,its described in the manual,the base plate is a removable item so should be able to adjust it.
Cheers, just been out for a look. Looks like its all the way back, i.e putting max force on visor when closed, but did adjust the lower screw to adjust angle that it closes, will update after a ride at the weekend, fingers crossed